Hey! We're Still Here!
been worried about us. Cuz we are just fine. Well, mostly fine, but I'll
get to that later.

We've pretty much just been hanging out on the couch, getting
some much needed R&R.

We even spent some time hanging out on The Crazy Man Who
Lives Next Door's daughter. Her name is Jordan. We love playing
with her almost as much as we love sleeping on her.

Oh, and we both had birthdays! I turned 5, and Gidget is now 6!
She's going to be needing some doggy Geritol real soon.
Unfortunately, we have had a few health problems since we last
talked to everydoggy. But what do you expect, we're pugs. Mine
wasn't that big of a deal. I just had an infection in one of my face
folds, and I had to wear a cone for a week.
Gidget, on the other hand, has not been so fortunate. First she
got an infection in one of her anal glands, and her butt swelled
up like a big red tomato. They had to do emergency surgery on
it. I told Mom & Dad that they should make her wear a cone on
her butt, but they wouldn't go for it.
Right about the time her booty got all healed up, Dad noticed
a bump on her left shoulder. It was right in the same area where
she had a tumor removed a couple of years ago, so off to the Vet
she went again. Sure enough, it was another tumor, so poor
Gidgey had to be operated on again. This is what she looked
like right after the surgery.
And this is what she looked like two weeks later after she had
her stitches removed.
A couple weeks after that, she looked much better, and she
was starting to get a little stir crazy, so Mom & Dad decided
she was well enough to go for a walk.
When we got back from the walk, we noticed that she was
limping a little bit. Sure enough, she had a big chunk taken
out of one of her paw pads. So then she looked like this. And now, finally, her paw is all healed up and she is doing
much better. And we have even been able to play outside
and enjoy the nice weather we have been having.
So in a nutshell, that's pretty much what we have been up to.
Again, we're real sorry that it has been so long since our last
post, but it is not our fault. We are blaming it all on The Crazy
Man Who Lives Next Door. He kidnapped us and held us for
ransom. And that's our story and we're sticking to it!
Duke Out
Oh man - you have had a tough go of it! I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing better - happy belated birthdays to you both!!
OMD...I'm so happy you pups are ok...'specially Gidget! BTW, how is her knee? glad you pups are back...I was just thinking about you both the other day and how much I missed you!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
OMD what awful medical happenings going on in your house.
I totally believe that the crazy man would kidnap you. He has crazy eyes haha
Oh poor lady! She needs lots of extra snorgles to make her feel better. I am so happy things are on the upswing though! It is good to have you back, I enjoy the blog a whole lot.
Hi guys!
I missed you. So glad you are both doing ok now. I am sorry about your operations Gidget - doesn't look like it was fun at all; I hope you are feeling great now!
Love Clover xo
OMD! Such troubles for you guyz! We hope that you are both completely well by now! We continued to check your bloggy just about every day! We are so very glad to have you back!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hey guys,
We are so glad that you are back but are sorry to hear that you have gone through some hard times. We always checked your blog becuase we just knew that you would be back. We still go to pug meetups of course and we look forward to you getting to meet the stray, she is a real pain. We hope to hear lots more from you.
The Grand Duke
Hi, Duke and Gidget!
It makes me so happy to see you two again!
Yes, I was worried!
Poor Gidget! I really hope she is doing well now!
Kisses and hugs
Hi guys - learned about your blog from the Grand Duke. Poor little Gidget! Her scar looks so scary and sad!! But I'm glad you're both feeling better and back up to blogging again. We'll be back to visit often :)
-Rachel, Winston and Clementine
Poor puggy! Glad that she is all better now! Rufus sends snuggles!!!!
Whooo hoo! So glad you guys are back -and in one piece again. Sounds like a rough six months. Poor little Gidget! Now let's all stay healthy for a good long time :)
Welcome back! What an awful ordeal. So glad that everyone is healthy again. I look forward to doing some virtual butt-sniffing now that you're back.
~Harry Pugalicious
I sure missed you two and I am so glad that Gidget is well again. What an ordeal! Nothing but happy times lay ahead now!
Pee.S. I never gave up on yous twos!
I'm so glad you guys are back and everything is better now! We missed you and hope you both had happy birthdays!!
oops, i just realized that my blog has gone private since you last posted. if you'd like to view, you can email me at pagecole@bellsouth.net and i'll send you the invite. Thanks!
oh goodness - you sound like with all that happening at once! We hope things are calm now!
Gracious, you two have a had a busy year. I think you should be safe, hale and hearty for at least another 12 years. :)
btw, nice to meet you!
Hi Duke & Gidget! We are so happy you guys are back. We missed you guys and was wondering what happened. Poor little Gadget. Feel better sweet one. Get well. I hope you don't have any more health problems and get to enjoy being healthy and happy.
Lots of licks, hugs, and kisses.
Porky & Brownie
OMG!! I was just catching up on your blog and can't believe everything you have been through with Gidget. I am so glad she is ok!
OMG!! I was just catching up on your blog and can't believe everything you have been through with Gidget. I am so glad she is ok!
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