You might know me as the "sweet one" in the family, but I also have a
bad side. Duke isn't the only one kickin' ass and takin' names around here, ya know. Every once in a while I get the urge to tip back a few and "head out on the highway". In fact, I'm kinda getting that urge right now. Where did I leave my hog?
The Gidgenator
Gidget you look like prime material for my pug gang--- We call ourselves the Puganoche after CSI Pugami and I let all animals in who want to help be enforcers for the Pug Life Ministries that Ayatollah Mugsy is running down there in Texas:) Your outfit rocks!
Hi Pyrite!
Thanks! I'd be honored to help be an enforcer ... where do I sign up!
Way too funny! He will look great on my father in laws Harley!
Right now the sign-up is casual, I will make you the head of the Washington division:) I will let you know when Pug Life Ministries needs our help--- the Ayatollah Mugsy is a great great pug and we must do what we can to support him;) In the meantime, enjoy summer and hope the peeps go generous on the treats!
We have spent the weekend studying the works of the great one. We are now fully ready to assist the Pug Life Ministries in whatever way needed. In fact, we are planning a pilgrimage to Pugistan as soon as its borders are established.
That is too cute!
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