The New Door

That's right. It's our new Duke tested and Gidget approved front door. Duke and I just love this thing, and not just because we got to go to Doggy Daycare while it was being installed. Now, we can sit in front of this new storm door and watch (and bark at) everybody who goes by. And also, everyone can see how pretty I am and how annoying Duke is. No longer will we get yelled at for jumping up on "the nice couch" to look out the window. And we will NEVER understand why it is OK to jump on the couch downstairs but not OK to jump on the couch upstairs. You humans can be so confusing.
Pug Hugs~Gidget

Hey That looks like a good watching spot. I bet people smile at you two when they walk by.
Yes it is a GREAT spot. I bark as loud as I can when I see someone walking by, then I strike a pretty pose. Duke just barks and then slobbers up the window so that Mommy has to clean it before she locks down for the night. I have a feeling she doesn't mind too much because she smiles when she see us at our new door!
Pug Hugs~Gidgey
Cool front door. Happy birthday Mom!!su
Thanks Su ... Mommy loves it and so do we! Now if we could just get Duke to stop drooling all over it, but something tells me that is NOT going to happen ;-)
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