Our Christmas Shopping Is Done!

Gidget and I were snooping around underneath the tree today. Of course there were lots of presents for us, but to our surprise, there were also lots of presents from us too! That seemed kinda weird to us, because neither Gidget or I can actually remember doing any Christmas shopping. So how cool is that? Our Christmas shopping is done and we didn't even have to go to the mall! It sure is good being a spoiled Pug!
Duke out
Maybe you did some sleep-shopping online?
you know what? i think you two went to the mall in your dreams! see, that explain how you two got all the gifts!
wet wet licks
Hey guys! My humans are preparing the gifts too... I tried to see what they got me, but I had no chance. They’ve hidden all the presents… They act very goofy!
Don't you think it could have been Santa who left the gifts under the tree?
That is so strange but it happens at our house too! Both Nappy and Maggie have gifts for us too. What talented pugs you guys are!
I didn't you guys were so filthy rich that you can afford a personal shopper...
That is the magic of Christmas..... I looove Christmas I looove how happy it makes everyone :-)
Happy tail wags
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