We have a couple of Bald Eagles that live in our neighborhood. Their names are George and Martha, and they live in a tree a couple blocks from our house. We apologize for how fuzzy the picture is, but dad is getting kinda old, and his hands are a little bit shaky. Anyway, Mom always freaks out when she spots one, because she thinks they are going to swoop down and take us away. Dad used to think she was just paranoid, but then he heard about a Beagle in the neighborhood that got "taken for a ride". Now, he doesn't think she is just paranoid anymore. Personally, I am not worried. I am a tough guy, and I think I could take them. So bring it on, birdie boy!
Duke out
Hey Guys,
that is awesome that the eagles live in your neighborhood, but be careful. By the way- is the beagle ok??
The Grand Duke
Winston, unfortunately, the story didn't have a happy ending. The Eagle did release the Beagle, but the poor guy didn't survive the fall. The Beagle was out in an open field when the Eagle grabbed him, and although it is unlikely that an Eagle would come into a fenced yard looking for food, we are still going to be very careful.
Wow I didn't know eagles ate us pups! I watch some flying up the river chasing each other sometimes! Now I have to watch out for gators AND eagles. I guess I will never get to swim in the river again....
Bussie Kissies
Wow. That's really awesome. Those birds are beautiful.
Should I be scared of the eagle? we don't have eagles here but I know they are beautiful magestic birds. I'm sorry to hear about the beagle. that must have been very frightening. I feel for the owner. You guys keep safe-don't go into any open fields. But, I bet you can take 'em!
ah guys,
no matter what, i think both of you still need to be alert all the time. you two surely can fight them off.
but if you ever get the chance for 'that ride' please update us! LOL
wet wet licks
Wow, that is a pretty site. But you guys be careful.
WOW! - you two watch out for each other!!!
God! Really??? Poor Beagle! I think the Eagles are beautiful but I'd watch my tail guys! Be careful!
Poor beagle. Yes, be very careful. I go to Alaska every summer and there are lots of incidents of dogs being taken by eagles. I've had some close calls with low flybys by eagles.
WOW. Watch out for those Eagles! That is scary. I am new to this blogging community and decided to stop by and say "hi".
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