Duke's Big Adventure

Right after that though, Mom made me drink some really nasty stuff. Yuk. That was not fun. Then Mom & Dad just sat on the floor looking at me all weird. They were really starting to freak me out! I couldn't figure out what their problem was. After we sat there for a while, they put my harness on me. Yippee! We're going for a car ride! And I got to sit in the front seat! I never get to sit up front. Gidget would have been so jealous.
So anyway, I was having great fun up in the front seat, but then we stopped at one of those places that have the metal tables. I don't like metal tables at all. Something bad usually happens to me when they make me sit on a metal table. I was shaking like a leaf and wishing I could just go home. Then, to my utter disbelief, Mom & Dad just abandoned me there. I couldn't believe it. What could they be thinking leaving me with these strange people? Fortunately, I am a people Pug, so I got along great with these new people.
After a little while, I got very tired and fell asleep. I missed my bed, but I was so sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I slept for a little while then I woke up feeling all groggy. And my throat was sore. And I was still in a strange place. I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to go home. So I hung out with the new people for a little while, then finally Dad showed up. Whew! What a relief. He hadn't forgot about me after all. I was sooo ready to go home. I missed Mom and Dad, and believe it or not, I also missed Gidget.
So anyway, Dad took me home and I got to ride in the front seat again! I was pretty tired though, so I mostly just slept. When we finally got home, I was so happy that I chased Gidget around the house for a while. But then I got real sleepy again and decided to take a nap on MY OWN COUCH! Woooohoooo for my own couch!
All in all, it was quite an adventure, but I don't think I want to do it again anytime soon. I would much rather just hang out at home. Oh and also, for some reason I now feel really fresh and static-free. Go figure. I just wish Gidget would stop calling me Mr. Cling-free.
Duke out
No more square fuzzy things for you Dukie! You scare us!
Glad you are okay!! You better kiss your mom and dad for taking care of you.
Hey Duke,
That does sound like fun, where can I find these sqare thingies?? Also, I don't feel like the fresh and static free thing is anything new, you always seem quite noble in appearance, if I may say so.
The Grand Duke
great story! WIllow and Belle get excited about going places too..but as soon as we turn into the vet parking lot..they are no longer excited..they know how you feel.
Hey Duke! We are so glad you are ok. Stick to pugs treats and toys from now on, ok?
Wow Duke, that is an adventure. I'm glad you're ok and enjoy your static free status, as it will wear off in a few days. :-)
Duke.....so glad you are well from such an adventure. I have to watch the fuzzy things around here to and the wipes I use to clean folds with. For some reason they attempts to grab and run with them.
Thanks for all your comments and concern everybody. I definitely learned my lesson. From now on I will stick to just eating the furniture.
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