Today, we would like to thank everybody who left comments urging our Mommy and Daddy to get us another burger. Thanks to your support and our incessant whining, we succesfully guilt-tripped them into getting us another one. That's right, burger number six has landed!
On a side note, we are starting a pool based on how long it takes Duke to destroy this one. I have November 4th.
~Pug Hugs~ Gidget
Solidarity brothers!!! Once again I shall eat. I must be honest and confess that I exempted 2 meals daily and water from my strict fasting regimen, but I guess all that matters is that we Pugs were victorious. The will power of pugs has once agains overcome the pathetic, weak, and snivelling behavior or our human "overlords." Long live the pugs
The Grand Duke
LOL.......I say November 10th.
They love them so, always worth replacing.
Napoleon and Maggie want October 27th. That burger doesn't stand a chance against Duke. Each burger he destroys is only making him stronger!
I forgot, I'll take Nov 7, election day.
Winston's Mommy is less optimistic and chooses Nov 25, and his Daddy takes Nov 2
I say Oct. 31st...Go for it Duke!
ok, I take the 12th
Hello guys!!! We rule, don't we? Hm... I say November 16th. Go Duke!
OK then, the race is on! I'm thinking we need a prize for the winner. And what could be a better prize than the actual destroyed burger? At least the part of the destroyed burger that Duke doesn't eat. I mean, who wouldn't want a chewed up, slobbered on, possibly regurgitated, stinky toy burger? I know I sure would! Good luck and let the burger annhiliation begin!
Hey guys,
Have ya'll decided if you're going to this weekend's pug-o-ween?
The Grand Duke
Winston, we just left a comment on your blog addressing that issue. We had finally decided that we would go despite the fact that our costumes are somewhat lame, but when we went to RSVP, it was already full. So be sure to take some pictures this time, we want to see what we miss.
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