So much for our poop shelter. Daddy had put up this umbrella in our backyard so that Duke and I could keep dry while we did our business. If any of you watched Monday Night Football last night, you saw how wet and windy it has been around here lately. Well, after the umbrella was blown around the yard for the third time, Daddy decided to fold it up and put it away. At least it didn't end up in the neighbors yard. Oh well, I guess we will just have to get used to pooping in the rain again. grrrr
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget
Or you could just poop in the house like I do. The People get angry about it, but at least your feet stay dry!
Hey guys,
I agree with Norman, but try to hide the poop (i.e. poop under the coffee table). My humans don't punish me unless they catch me in the act because they don't think I will understand otherwise. Use this to you advantage.
The Grand Duke
Norman, you sound like Daisy and Oscar. Daisy's new pastime is pooping ON the spare bed, since she got in so much trouble pooping on the spare bedroom floor, or she will poop behind the recliner, so I won't find it for a few days. At least when Oscar poops in the house (which is on a regular basis), it is by the back door. Good thing we don't live in Washington--Oscar would never poop outside!
Rocco's not too fond of the rain either but luckily we've only had a few "in house poops". What do you do when it snows? Surely you must like the snow...right?
I agree. I don't like it when it rains so I take my time outside or I just don't go. It annoys Mommy and Daddy so they bring me inside. Then, I just wait till their not looking and then I let them drop. :)
It sounds like we have a lot in common with all of you. We would much rather go inside than out in the rain. And we are down with the whole not getting punished if they don't catch you in the act thing. We use that trick a lot. And thanks for the tip about the spare bed Leah, Duke will be sure to give that a try. As for the snow, that has not been an issue because it rarely snows here. But if it did, we are pretty sure it would be wet, so we probably wouldn't like that either!
Nasty business the pooping thing… I know I don’t like the rainy and cold weather… So my humans thought me to use the potty… it took some time but finally I managed to do my business in one place :P. Of course accidents happened… But what can u do?
Must be something going around here! Maggie pooped behind the curtains last night and even Napoleon wouldn't go outside earlier this week when it was pouring and left me a present.
Wow guys - you pugs are poopers! I poop in the house sometimes, but only when I can't help it! I love to go o-u-t!
Bussie Kissies
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