
This is NOT cool. Literally and figuratively. Right after Gidget goes and boasts about the temperature being in the low 70's, we get hit with this nasty heatwave. Thanks alot Gidgey! Yesterday the mercury hit 97 freakin degrees! We missed the all-time high for Lake Stevens by 1 stinkin degree. Oh boy what a consolation. And today and tomorrow are supposed to be just as hot. We are not designed for this kind of weather, we are PUGS. OK mom and Dad, it's time to start seriously thinking about getting AC installed....
Duke out
Oh, you guys....you have no air conditioner???? You need to take a vacation here at our house where it's hot and HUMID and you sweat the second you step out the door. And while you guys vacation here, we will come vacation at your house and see how wonderful it is up there where we might not even break a sweat!!!! Seriously, 97 degrees is too hot for anybody. I guess you guys have a fan to sit in front of?
A little "house swapping" sounds like fun! 97 is too stinking hot for anybody. We are doing our best too keep cool..lots of ice in our water and a few fans blowing on us.
Pug Hugs ~ Gidgey
We are getting a little break today from our heat wave with a beautiful day in the upper 70's. Odd for this time of year. But tomorrow its back to the hibernating in the house with the ac. With any luck we will make it outside in the evening for a puggy pool dip.
Take care and be carefull.
I know ya'll usually don't need it, but I can't imagine life without an air conditioner. Ours runs from April to October!
Sounds hot guys! It was nice in Toronto this weekend. Not toooo hot and I made sure the peeps put on the AC while we were travelling. Humid tonight in Suds but I make sure the central air is on so I do not get overheated;) Sending cool thoughts your way!
Thanks for the kind (and cool) thoughts everybody, but they just don't seem to be working. It is now Monday and we are getting a slight break...It's only 90. But after 3 straight days of 95+ heat, we'll take any break we can get. Still no luck on the AC though. Dad tells us the average temp here in July is only 74, so we don't need AC. Thanks alot dad, but why don't you try watching a freaking weather report! Or better yet, how about we glue some thick black fur onto your body and see how you like it! Grrrrrr
Duke out
No air conditioner? A pug could never survive in Dallas without one. I shall pray for you.
Thank you great one! We feel much relief knowing the power of your prayers are behind us! Long Live Ayatollah Mugsy!
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