Duke Is In The Doghouse

Last night was not a good night for Duke. I don't want to say exactly what he did, but I can tell you that mommy had to go out today and buy new pillows for the guest room bed. And she had to wash all the blankets and sheets. That darn Dukie! And now, after having full run of the house for the past few weeks, we are once again relegated to the family room. This is not fair, I didn't do anything wrong, it was all Duke! Oh well, I am not too worried about it anyway. Just look at us. How long can they stay mad at a couple of cute little pug faces like ours?
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget
That is true...it is pretty hard to stay mad at faces like those!
One bad apple spoils everything! lol
It's impossible to stay mad at those faces. I'm getting a little 7 week old pug puppy on Thursday and I think he'll get away with murder. Check out his blog at http://winstonpugsworth.blogspot.com. We must all obey the pugs!!!
Ah yes Jason & Leah, it's the power of the pug face. Nobody can resist it!
You are so right Pugsley, Duke is always trying to spoil my fun!
Congratulations on getting Winston. He is a total cutie. We will be checking your blog out often.
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