A Tail Of Two Pugs
Multum In Parvo
Saturday, June 16, 2007
About Me
- Name: Duke and Gidget
- Location: Attleboro, Massachusetts, United States
We are a pair of Chinese Pugs seeking human contact and all the attention we can get!

Previous Posts
- Not The News We Were Hoping For
- Check Me Out!
- Memories
- Duke: The Story Behind The Story
- Tagged Again! 7 Pawsome Facts
- Three Pugz and More
- Happy Blogiversary To Us
- Celebrity Look-a-likes
- Taking It Easy
- Luxation Of The Patella
- Seattle Pug Rescue
- Doggy Haven Resort
- Pugs.nl Pug Forum
- Dogs With Blogs
- Bellevue-Seattle Pug Club
- Seattle Pug Meetup Group
Doggie Pals
- A Day In The Life Of Our Pugs
- A Pugs Life
- Adore Le Pug
- Archie Parcheesi's Blog
- Balboa
- Bernard Hinault Lilje
- Buster The Wired Fox Terror
- Butchy & Snickers
- Cubby Goes Digital
- Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle
- Flat Nosed Pups
- Giggs' Diggs
- Goodboy Norman Featherstone
- In Pug We Trust
- Ladypug Mugs
- Life With Pugs
- Lorenza's Diary
- Luci Lu
- Owned By Pugs
- Pacco de Mongrel
- Peanut
- Pug Posse
- Pug Possessed
- Pug(s) and Bugg
- Pugsley
- Pyrite & Boscoe
- Ragus Pug
- Raouls Travels
- Ronin The Pug
- Ruby Bleu
- Suki Sumo
- Sunshine & Mud Puddles
- The Brat Pack
- The Devil Dog
- The Dogs of Jackman Ave
- The Life and Crimes of Dutch the Pug
- The Pug Blug
- The Pug Farm
- Two Wild & Crazy Guyz
- Ume Tyan
- Winston And Sela
- Winston On Pugs
- Woody
- Writing Chances
- Yogi The Pug
- Zach & Kiki
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Duke 'n Gidget. Make your own badge here.
happy birthday duke! hope you have a wonderful day!
wet wet licks
Hi Duke
You look real handsome in your Birthday suit. Have a great day.
Also, thank you for your kind words about Beau.
Love from Hammer
Happy Barkday, Duke! Sorry I'm late :(
Hope you had a great day; how's Gidget feeling? I've been thinking about her a lot and hoping she's feeling better.
Puggy kisses
Happy Birthday Duke!!! Hope you had a great day with lots of treats, cuddles and kisses!
Happy Barkday Duke!!! Hope you have fun and get LOTS of prezzies and treats.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy Birthday, Duke! Hope you get everything you wished for!
Thanks everybody and doggy! And your not late Suki, my dumb sister Gidget just went and posted too early. I have since changed the date on the post to show Saturday the 16th. Now I gots to go paw-tay!
Happy Barkday Duke. Hope you get lots of presents.
happy Birthday Duke! hope you are getting lots of cake...it is really delicious!
Woof, woof. Happy birthday Duke!! We hopes your day be pawtastic and gets lots of presents. Save us a piece of cake. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket
Dear Hero,
Happy Birthday Duke!!! Also, my parents said to tell your parents that not only is Magnuson fenced in, there is also a small dog area (seperately fenced in within the park to keep pesky big dogs away). It is the bestest dog park ever!!!
Your protege,
The Grand Duke
Happy Barkday Duke!! Haha, you're so adorable!! =p What a cute suit with the party hat!!
Hi, Duke.
Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day with presents, cake, kisses and hugs from your family.
Super cool Duke...you share a birthday with my auntie!!! Have a great one.
I'm so sorry I missed your b-day. I hope you got lots of treats, toys, and kisses.
Frenchie Snorts
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