We don't usually like to toot our own horn (yeah, right), but today just happens to mark the one year anniversary of "A Tail Of Two Pugs". When we started this little blog, we weren't sure if we would make it a month, let alone a whole year. But amazingly, one year and nearly 16,000 hits later, we're still going strong. OK, maybe not strong, but at least semi-consistent. We have to admit, it has been a struggle sometimes finding the time to blog in between our frequent naps. But it has definitely been worth every minute of it. And the best part of it all would have to be all the amazing, wonderful doggie friends that we have made. You guys are the greatest, and we would like to give each and every one of you a big giant sloppy kiss. Thanks for being our pals, and we look forward to many more years of "A Tail Of Two Pugs"
~Pug Hugs~ Duke & Gidget
Hi, Friends.
Happy Blogaversary!
I wish you many more years with your blog to share with us!
Have a nice day
Happy Blogaversary to you both! You guys are so precious and cheer me up during the day!
P.S. Winston and Sela hijacked the computer last night to post their look alikes...check it out!
Happy Blogiversary, guys! I love reading your blog. You, Winston, and Winston and Zelda were my inspiration when I started my blog, so thanks for being pug blogging pioneers :)
Puggy kisses
Happy Blogiversary! I only hope I can make it to a year! You doggies are great and I love reading your blog! Hope Gidgey is feeling better.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy Blogiversary!!!1 We look forward to many more great stories and moments to share.
P.S. Thanks for the Rosette, Gidget! :)
HAPPY BLOGAVESERY! I can't wait to read your posts for years to come.
Frenchie Kisse,
Hi Gidget & Duke, thanks for stopping by and telling everyone about us. We're glad to be back and catching up on everyone. Thanks for Chloe's rosette on her Dogster page. Talk to you soon. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket
Congratulations on your blogiversary.
Hooray! It has been a pleasure reading your blog!
Happy Blogiversary! We're so glad we've become bloggin' buddies with you silly Pugs!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Congrats guys! Our 1 year is coming up soon too. We are so glad we met you guys and can share and help each other out!
Happy Blogaversary! Glad you guys are going strong as we we sure do enjoy reading your blog!
Porky & Brownie
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