Friday, July 13, 2007

Frosty Paws Recipe

Our buddy Newton wanted to know what recipe we used to make our frosty paws, so we thought we would post it just in case anydoggy else wanted to know too. But remember, we are in no way professionals, and this recipe is just the way that we like to do it.

2 cups plain yogurt
1 cup all natural unsalted peanut butter
2 bananas (lightly mashed)
shredded carrots (about a handful)

Mix yogurt and carrots together in a large bowl. Add the bananas. Remember to mash them lightly. We love finding banana chunks in there. Lightly mix in the peanut butter, reserving some for later. Then, spoon the mixture into the freezing container. We have a flexible cupcake pan that works great, but we also use those small round Glad storage containers. Then, add a dollop of the reserved peanut butter, and swirl it around with a toothpick. We love peanut butter swirls! Then put the containers in the freezer and wait for them to freeze. After they freeze, we also like to let them sit out for a few minutes to soften a little before we eat them. The last step is putting them in a bowl and devouring them. That is of course our favorite step.

So anyways, that is our recipe. It isn't an exact science, but it works for us. Also sometimes as an added treat we'll cut up some Pupperoni lean and throw it in there too. However, if you're trying to diet (like Gidget), you might wanna just leave the extra stuff out. We hope everydoggy enjoys them as much as we do!

Duke & Gidget


At 10:46 PM, Blogger Rocco said...

Sounds Yummy...Gotta sweet bark mom again!

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Jen and Suki said...

This is precisely the type of treat I wish mommy would give me. Maybe she'll take a trip to the store and make up a batch for me this weekend. Or maybe she won't. She always says she's not a big fan of the kitchen.

You're so lucky you get delicious summer treats!

Hey, have you two tried freeze dried liver? Somepup recommended it to mommy but she's not sure how I will like it.

Love, SukiDuki Sumo

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Sir Isaac Newton IV said...

Mommy said she'd make these for me this weekend!! I'm so EXCITED! I'll let you know how it goes. Mommy's not that great of a cook (she made beef stroganoff once that I wouldn't even go near), but she's gotten a lot better recently and she does try awfully hard. I have a feeling these are going to turn out terrific!

Thanks Gidget!

Newton :)

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

Mommy wishes she could make frosty paws for us but she's reluctant to make them because of Zoe's bladder issues and being on prescription dog food and all....****sigh****

Love, Seadra and Zoe

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Peanut said...

Oh I never thought of having mom put carrots in my frosty pawas. Yummy


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