It sure was nice of Mommy & Daddy to buy me my very own doggie bed so I don't have to jump up onto the couch quite as much. I really appreciated it. And apparently, so did Duke. As you can see from these photos, "my" bed has pretty much met the same fate as "my" toys. It is now officially Duke's property. You know, I wouldn't mind it quite so much if he didn't stick his tongue out at me while he is stealing my bed.

I would recommend sleeping with one eye open Dukie........
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget
Duke does look cute in that bed. Maybe if it was pink he wouldn't like it so much.
Poor Gidget,
Maybe if you sneak attack him, he might get the hint, hee hee
Frenchie Snorts
Yeah, I think you need to get a girly bed, Gidget. Then Duke won't want to sleep in it! :)
Puggy kisses
maybe you should just go over and bite his tongue then he won't go in your bed anymore.
If you want me to, I cans come over and we can gang up on him and bites his leg.
Oh Gidget...what to do, what to do. Like Balboa said a sneak attack is in order...go play with his tongue or something...
Good Luck. Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Gidget.
That is not fair. I know that Duke looks pretty cute there but you need to tell him something. That is your bed!! Maybe if you bite his tail?
Good luck
Love your new bed Gidget! Looks cumfy and I bet deep down you love it when Duke climbs in and snuggles with you....
hahahaha. how dare duke stick the tongue at you while stealing it from ya. yeah duke, watch out!
wet wet licks
That bed looks super comfy - no wonder Duke stole it off of you!! Have you figured out how to get it back yet - I agree with the sneak attack on his tongue!!
Hahaha! That Duke is such a joker!
I don't know if you are getting your bed back Gidget. Duke looks pretty comfy in there...
Sorry, Gidget, but Duke looks REALLY cute in that bed. Why don't you share it?? No?? That's not an option? Well, I tried...
Sorry about your bed Gidget. We will side with Duke since it's all about the boys club here. In our house, if you can't fight and defend it, then it's not yours.
Duke looks awefully cute in "his" new bed. We can see why he is sticking his tongue out at you. :)
Good luck though Gidget...Brownie sympathizes with you but Porky can't because he is the bully of the house.
I wonder what the pug thinking sticking his tongue out.
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