Party Time!

And this is us showing Dad what we thought of the stupid hats.
And here's video proof that I hate my hat. And it also shows that
I would really like to have what is on the counter....
Dad thought he could hide my presents by
putting them on the kitchen table.
Here's a video of me showing him
that I'm no dummy.
WoooHoooo! I got a cake just for me!!
Then I found out I had to share it with Gidget. She sure is a messy eater!
This video shows the proper way to eat birthday cake. Enjoy!
I sure wish I could reach that stupid hat with my tongue.
For some weird reason, Gidget got a present on MY birthday. A new bed.
Mom and Dad figure that Gidget might need it if she has to have surgery.
This is her "thank you" look.
And this is me showing Mom & Dad what I think of
Gidget getting a present on MY birthday!
Well, I guess now that I'm four, I'm going to have to start acting a little differently. I'm not a teenager anymore you know. I'm mature. And I should start treating Gidget with a little more respect and dignity. I should also stop chewing on every new piece of furniture Mom & Dad bring into my house. And perhaps I might want to stop peeing on everything, including Gidget. Yep, it sure would be great if I could do all of those things. And there's a real good chance that I will. But then again, there's also a real good chance that Monkeys will fly out of my butt.
Duke out
haha monkeys will fly out your butt. Your birthday looks like it was lots of fun.
Awesome party! Boscoe and I are drooling over your cake... yummy! Our sissy cat turned 9 on Friday and she just got wet food..apparently she doesn't like cake.
Hope you have an awesome year being 4!!
Pyrite and Boscoe
Ha, ha, ha...don't ever change Duke!!! That's why we all love you!!! Sure looked like you could almost reach your hat with that tongue of yours. Did your shirt say RockStar??? If it did we could be twins because I have a RockStar shirt too!!!
Tell Gidget to enjoy her new looks really comfy!!! Oh, and tell your Dad Happy Father's Day!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I love how Gidget was just standing there while you were trying to get the stupid hat off! LOL!
Man, you had a PAWSOME barkday, Duke! I wish I could have had some of that cake.
How's Gidget feeling? I'm glad she has a nice new bed, even if it was your barkday ;)
Puggy kisses
well, gidget's "thank you" look is very convincing. lol
wet wet licks
Hi, Duke.
I hope you had a great party. Even with your hated hats!
Sure you have a big tongue!
You are so smart knowing where were your presents!
Gidget's bed is nice!
Have a good night
Duke, we love your pictures and video. They made us feel like we were at the pawty with you!! Don't worries about that pee pee thing, I be almost 8 and I still doing it. LOL. xoxoPugsley. Cricket and Buster wants a bite of cake.
Awwww happy barkday Duke. You look like you had a wonderful time.
tail wags
Hi Duke....Happy belated birthday. You are too funny!! We always like reading your blog. Keep making us laugh.....
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Gidget looks paralyzed in fear of her birthday hat. How did your parents keep those things on your heads? They don't even budge! Are there staples involved? Great presents Duke! Happy Birthday!
Duke, we think you're perfect!! Don't ever change! Looks like you had the perfect birthday celebration. Minus the hat.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Happy belated Birthday Duke!
I love the pictures of you guys in your stupid hats! You look so funny! Also, Gidget I love your new bed, I think Maggie has the same one, does the pillow flip over and is floral on the other side. Maggie LIVES in that bed when we are not home. Anyway, Happy 4th Birthday Duke!!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes everydoggy! You guys really are the best!
Ruby, yep, my shirt sure does say Rockstar. We could be twins!
Suki, Gidget said to tell you she's feeling OK, except for when she tries to run around. Then she limps. So she's been taking it easy lately. Also, we'll save some cake for you. Maybe it will still be good when you move to Oregon.
Norman, our Mom would never staple our hats to our heads. She used super glue.
Pug Mommy, the pillow does flip over, but it is just brown, not floral. We like brown, cuz it will camouflage our poop if we decide to go in it.
Happy belated Birthday Duke!
Looks like a good time was had by all. I think Gidget will be very comfy in her new bed.
Oh Duke!!! Happy Belated Birthday! Great Cake... and that tongue shot, soooo impressive!
I love your birthday hats. Too, too cute. Happy Belated Birthday Duke. You sure look more mature... tee hee!
Yeah...I feel ya on the hats. My mom made me try one from Brazil. Where ever that is?
Anyhow, that cake looks awesome & Gidget that new bed looks reallly comfy! I wonder if Duke will try it out?
Hey Duke,
Seems like an awesome barkday pawty!!!! :) Will you try to pee on Gidget's new bed?
PS : I'll like to link you up if you don't mind!
Boy, there's no foolin' you Duke! your dady has to think faster, hee hee.
That looks like one really delicious cake!!!!!!
Frenchie Snorts
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