Gidgey Update & Frosty Paws
Hi everydoggy, thanks for all the kind words about my bum knee. I just wanted to give you all a quick update and let you know how I have been doing.
My knee doesn't bother me much during typical day to day activities. I can still jump on and off the couch with no problem, and I can still trot around just fine. It's when I try to run that I have a problem. Duke still tries to get me to chase him, but as soon as I take a couple steps towards him, I remember that it's gonna hurt, so I stop and just stand there. That usually infuriates Duke even more.
We have pretty much decided that I am gonna have the surgery, we're just going to wait a while until Daddy can take some time off from work and stay home with me. I am not really looking forward to it, I hear the recovery can be pretty painful. Hopefully I can score some good drugs to help me get through it. And when I'm all better, I'm gonna give my bully brother the butt kicking of a lifetime.
In other news, tonight Duke and I got to try our very first Frosty Paws, and we loved them! They had yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, and carrots in them. They were sooooo yummy! For some reason, Daddy decided to put my bowl in the grass. This pictures shows how I had to strain my neck to eat my frosty paw without stepping in the grass.
And this picture shows that Duke has absolutely no manners whatsoever. He took his frosty paw out of his bowl and ate it right off the ground.
That Dukie sure is a slob. And those frosty paws sure were good. Hopefully Mommy & Daddy will make us some more real soon. Oh and Duke, I think you have some yogurt on your chin.

Aw, man, Gidget, that stinks that you have to have surgery, but at least you'll feel better afterwards.
You are such a delicate eater! I can see that Duke is NOT. ;)
Puggy kisses
I am so sorry that you have to have surgery, Gidget. Are you nervous? I hope your leg heals quickly.
As far as the frosty paws go, can you have your Mommy and Daddy make me some? They sound very yummy. My parents made me eat this bland canned dog food this past week per the vet's request. I'm back on my regular food now but, it's so boring. Mom and Dad won't even share table scraps anymore. ;( Do you think your parents will help?
Gidgey...I'm sorry to hear about your surgery but hopefully it will help a lot and let you "butt tuck run" around the house! Make sure you look real pitiful after the surgery so your parents give you lots of Frosty Paws!!
Hey Gidgey,
I am also sorry about your surgery, but at my party maybe we can gang up on Duke and give him a WHOOPIN' to remember!! I think that would be fun.
The Grand Duke
Awe, poor Gidget, we were hoping your knee would get better. Are puggie paws are crossed for you.
Your frosty paws sound delicious.
xoxoPugsley, Buster & Cricket
Hey Gidgey...
Glad you are doing better, but bummer on the surgery. If it will help in the long run than maybe it's a good thing. And we will DEFINITELY need to see video on Duke's butt kicking LOL.
Aren't frosty paws the bestest???? I like the idea of adding carrots. I'm due for Mom to make a new batch this weekend so I'll ask her to add the carrots. Great Idea...thanks!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Mmmm! That looks like a yummy dessert! I'm sorry that your knee is still hurting you. It's a bummer that you have to have surgery, but I'm sure you'll get through it just fine and be kicking Duke's butt in no time!
Oh no Gidget, I'm sorry about the surgery, but all of us hear at DWBs will be thinking of you and sending you get well wishes.
You know us guys, we just wanna eat, we don't care how we look.
Frenchie Snorts
Dear Gidget,
I'm sorry you have to have an operation on your leg. I know it will hurt. I hope you do get some good drugs. Life can be better through chemistry sometimes. And soon you will be healed and give Duke that butt whooping!
Love ya,
Lisa & her 5 feisty felines
Hi, Gidget
Those are bad and good news. Bad because the recovery could be painful but good because I am sure later you feel better.
Duke, be careful... you don't know what is going to happen to you when Gidget recovers!!
I like frosties too. Carrots?? Sounds good! I will tell my mom about that!
Have a good night
Oh Duke, let us help you lick that frosty paws off your face!! You are soooooooo cute!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
best wishes to you gidget!! be a strong puggy, love ya.
sorry about the surgery. i'm sure your hooman trying to avoid the surgery as best they could. but maybe the surgery will do you good!
well, i don't like frosty paws and i see most of you love it. maybe i just don't know how to appreciate good stuff!
wet wet licks
Oh that is crappy you have to have the surgery but hopefully it will fix you right up and then you can get back to beating up duke. Frosty paws are the best aren't they?
Hey guys,
In preparation for my party, my parents want to know where you guys got those cute party hats you wore for Gidget's party.
El Duque
Hi Gidget,sorry to hear about your leg. The surgery will be over before you know it. Be brave and take care!!
Oh whoa, the forsty paws looks really GOOD!! How do your mommy do it? I want mommy to make me some!!
That stinks you're gonna have to have surgery. :( How long is the recovery? Just think of all the attention you'll get though.
Those Frosty Paws look delish!
Hey Gidget! I'm sure the surgery won't be fun, but not being able to chase Duke is no fun either. I'm sure the vet will get you all fixed up and things will get back to normal. Keep us updated.
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