Monday Night Videos: Triple Feature
Tonight on Monday Night Videos, we present three videos featuring Duke doing something he is probably going to get into a lot of trouble for when Mom sees this.
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hey duke & gidget, will check back later.
wet wet licks
ha ha ha, you got right up there, but quickly grab the toy and get down dude!
Frenchie SNorts
Ha! Duke, you're hilarious! I can't play the movies, but I get the idea from the still pics!
Dukie!!! Like Balboa said... GRAB and RUNNNN! heee hee heee
It's nice to see you're not the only table walker around, Duke! My end tables are completely scratched up because Winston thinks it's okay to just walk across them to get where he wants (Sela is too much of a lady for that sort of thing.).
Oh, yes, and have I mentioned how awesome your tongue is, Duke? Awesome.
How did you get down from there??? Did Gidge try and help?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Ah yes, I find sweaty pug prints all over my end table by the window... I think pugs are the mountain goats of dogs, they just have to be up on stuff. Giggs is happy even just sitting on a footstool rather that the floor -gotta get up those extra 12 inches!
I can't believe he's walking on the table!
Oh haha thanks for the laugh. You aren't supposed to stay up there that long though. Plus I bet your dad put your toys there just so you would get on the table. Bad Dad
Did we hear your poppy snickering in the background. We say you be set up!! You be one brave pup gettin on the table. Now hurry before mommy sees ya.
Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy
That's great, Duke! I do the same thing on my coffee table. I don't get why the hoomans don't like it. I mean, I'm saving them from having to get stuff for me, ya know?
Oh, and you're welcome for the butt shot...hehehe!
Puggy kisses
hey duke & gidget,
I am scared to be on the coffee table esp when it's made of glass..mabye bcos I am a female and hv less guts...kekeke
BTW,thanks for visitng me.
Hey, hurry up and get off that table before your Mom catches you up there.
Zoe will jump up on the kitchen table if she can find a chair pulled out far enough. She always get into trouble for that.
Love, Seadra
Hahah Duke, you are so naughty! In a good way, of course. Plus, you know that Gidget may *look* all cute and innocent, but she's totally egging you on saying "Duke! While you're up there, grab me the front page!"
Aww I totally love yous twos!
Your friend,
Suki Su
Hi, Duke and Gidget.
First of all how did you get up there? Second, how did you get down there??
Did your mom notice that?? I hope not!
Have a good night
You're such a daredevil! Hope dad pledged up that table b4 mom got home.
Yay! I can finally watch your videos again! Love it! Duke, you better start begging for forgiveness now because I am willing to bet you are NOT allowed on the table.
Hey Duke & Gidget!
I'm pleased to meet my fellow pug brothers!
Yes, I am only but part pug, but doesn't it definitely show on my face? :D!
Awh cmon guys... don't climb on the tables! Hopefully you didn't get in too much trouble did you?
Hehe. It was nice to meet you :D!
- Ling Ling
HILARIOUS!!! You have a lot of imagination guys, I tell you!
Oh..maybe that's why we don't have a coffee table here! LOL!
That little series should be called "Hey! How do I get the heck down from here ????"
Hey guys! Duke - you are so cute being bad! Haha... Aw I wish I could get onto the coffee table. Or onto anything for that matter. I am too short still!!
Love Clover xo
Duke! You're gonna have to teach me how to do that without getting caught. I tried to get on the table Saturday at the Snowbasin Jazz Fest, and Mommy about had a heart attack!
Newton :)
P.S. I would post some pictures of the jazz fest, but Mommy and Daddy can't seem to figure out what's wrong with our computer. We're leaving this comment from her office!
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