Rockin' Dog Bloggers

Well maybe she was actually just sitting on it, but hey, it's the thought that counts.
As recipients of the award, we also get to hand out a few, so we would like to present the Rockin' Dog Blogger Award to:
Winston & Sela
Napoleon & Maggie
Suki Sumo
Seadra & Zoe
Come to think of it, all of our pals rock, so if you are reading this, we present the award to you too. You rock.
Duke Out
Of course you ROCK! Oh Gidget you are so talented! You know how to play the guitar! So cool!
Pug hugs guys!
Hi...Duke and Gidget.....Thanks for the rockin dog blogger award. We are so honored. It's the best think to happen to us all week. You made our day!!
We love the picture of you Gidget rocking with the guitar. What songs do you know?
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Congratulations of the prize of rocker.
It performs rock all. :)
Have are nice week end.
from loved ume tyan
Wow! Thanks Duke and Gidget! You know, Gidget, I think when playing the guitar you should wear your leather biker outfit! Like the one in the dogster pic that makes me laugh every time I see it. Seriously. Every time.
Awesome! Thanks for the award you two! I'm already really excited that Mommy and Daddy are back from Las Vegas, and this is just icing on the cake ... mmm, cake. And Gidget, I had no idea you could play the guitar? Having lived in Nashville, Country Music USA, I always wanted to learn, but Mommy said that would require a regular schedule of nail clippings, which I refuse to submit to.
Glad to finally be back on the blogging scene,
Hi, friends.
Congratulations on your award! That picture of Gidget rocks!!
Have a great weekend
You guys totally know how to rock out! Does the Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door come over and jam with you sometimes, Gidget?
Puggy kisses
We be in awe. We not know you can play the guitar. Your picture be rockin'.
Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy
You totally rock!
Thanks for the award Duke & Gidget! I was so happy to read about it on your blog. Gidget, you look really cool with the guitar! I will have Dad take some pictures of me with our guitars some day!
Love Clover xo
Good Job! :)
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