We have been invaded. There are a bunch of these strange little creatures living in our backyard. Our Daddy says they are called tree frogs, and this past weekend there were about thirty of them hanging out in our garden and on our fence. Apparently they are our friends because they eat mosquitoes. And we HATE mosquitoes! Whatever they are, it's a good thing for them that they are green, because Duke can't see them. If he could, he would probably turn them into an after dinner snack. We've heard frog legs are quite tasty.
Pug Hugs~Gidget
Mommy said she had one of those jump on her once, and she nearly had a heart attack. Apparently, tree frogs stick to you because she couldn't get it off fast enough! I think this was pre-me, though, because, like Duke, I probably would have tried to rescue her and eat it!
Newton :)
Mmm! Frogs, gourmet!
Frog legs taste like chicken! Run, Dukie, Run to the frogs and eat 'em up!
Those are cool looking frogs!! I don't know if we've ever seen a frog?? I wouldn't eat them, I think they are kind of slimmy.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Those are some exciting frogs! They are very good for your garden and for keeping out mosquitos. We are jealous!
Hi Duke and Gidget!
Those frogs look like they could be fun to play with! But my mom is scared...
Congrats on your possible appearance of tv!! I hope it works out; keep us posted! :)
Love Clover xo
Cute frogs! Winston used to hold little froggies in his mouth as a puppy when we would take him outside and then spit them out when he came in! We often thought it was a stone and would go grab it only to have it leap at us...scared us to death! (Our froggies are more brown than bright green...)
They're so little! I just realized that is a nail head between them!
Hi friends
I've never seen a frog in my life but my mom does, and she says they don't let you sleep at night because they sing pretty loud! So, with all those you have at home, do you enjoy concerts at night??
Have a nice day
Those are some awesome green frogs! Too bad they haven't invated our backyard. We are overrun with teeny tiny crickets right now!
Ozzie & Rocky
I'll be right over to help you catch those tasty looking frogs.
Frenchie SNorts
oh yea, my grandpa forbids me to kill those toads in my garden with the same reason too...
The frog is lovely.
However, I feel 30 cries annoying.
Spend a wonderful weekend with the frog.
from loved ume tyan
Yikes, 30 frogs. We would be freakin' out.
Brave pugs!
those frogs are so pretty.
Oh yes !! frogs are the bestest-- I have a frog hunting vido i posted a few months back-- LOVE FROGS!! I am jealous-- enjoy!!
Oh my mom almost died when she saw those pictures. haha to funny Thanks for freaking her out.
qLAfT6 Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
RjCx54 Thanks to author.
Good job!
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thanks to author.
qpW1pS Wonderful blog.
Good job!
Wow, where did all the blog spam come from??
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