Since we have been such good dogs lately, Mom & Dad are letting us have our cousin Keith over for a sleepover Saturday night. And it's just gonna be the three of us, cuz Mom & Dad are going out of town. Something about an anniversary I think. But that's not important. The only thing we care about is that we get to party with our cousin Keith. And Gidget and I couldn't be happier. We just love Keith, and we know it's going to be a great time. I have got all my toys lined up ready to show him, and I even made a special poop just for him. It is one of my best poops ever, and it even has what looks like an eye in it. Yep, it sure is a masterpiece. I just can't wait to show it to him. I sure hope he likes it!
In other news, our photo is the featured pic in this weeks "Create A Caption" game over at Balboa's place. If you haven't played yet, we encourage everydoggie to head on over there and create a caption for us. We can't wait to see who the winner is.
Duke Out
Hi, Duke.
So, the eye came out!!! Its good news that you didn't keep it in your tummy!
I hope you have great time with Keith!
Have a nice day
Don't stay up too late on Saturday night!! All puggies need their rest no matter how much fun they're having! Oh, and glad to hear the eye came your momma can have it back to sew together again! Right??
Glad to hear that eye made an appearance Duke. Were ya'll able to sew it back on Gidget's lion? Ha! Ha!
Rocky & Ozzie
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Have a good time on Saturday with your cousin Keith. Don't do anything we wouldn't do. We glads to hear you left him a special poop. We hopes he loves it.
Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae
Your poop has an mean your poop is watching you...that IS creepy Duke, really creepy.
Have fun with your cuz!!! Lots of Licks, Ruby
The eye came out?! That was great timing ... I'm sure your cousin Keith will be impressed when he sees your poop! The only thing better would have been for the eye to come out while he was at your house! Could you imagine his surprise to see your poop staring at him?!
Hope your Mommy and Daddy have a great time, too!
Newton :)
Hi guys!!! I've missed you so,so much! Oh you have a sleepover! That's cool! You'll have a great weekend! And I can't wait you to tell us everything about it!
ohhh... the eye got pooped out! will your Mom opawerate it back to lion?
have fun with cousin Keith!
Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. OH WOW a sleepover! That's so cool!!!!!!
I bet you're gonna get spoiled!!!!!
Frenchie Snorts
Have a fun sleepover! See if Keith will order you a pugza with extra everything!
Pyrite and Boscoe
Sleepovers are fun! Though, I've never really had a sleepover without my parents before. That sounds like even more fun!
An eye in your poop? Whoa. That just shows everyone how tuff you are for eating a LION! :)
Have fun with your cousin, and Happy Anniversary to your parents.
Puggy kisses
sllepover is alwiz fun n exciting...hope u guys had a great nite
Duke, you are killing me with that special "seeing" poop!
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