
Last night something totally amazing happened. When Mom & Dad finished their dinner, there were two meatballs left in the pan. Mom was just going to throw them away, but then Dad said "why don't we give them to the furry kids". We didn't get our hopes up though, because Mom is a little less lenient than Dad, especially when it comes to our food. But then, to our utter dismay, she wiped the excess sauce off of them, chopped them into bite size pieces, and gave them to us. Wow, what a treat! I don't think I have ever seen Gidget eat so fast before. She actually finished her meatball before I did, which totally shocked Mom & Dad. I wasn't too surprised though. Those little balls of meat sure were tasty. Now, if only Dad could talk Mom into letting us sit at the table and eat dinner with them life would be perfect. Hey, a Pug's gotta dream you know.....
Duke out
Sweet! Grats on the meatballs!
I'm totally working at getting Mommy to let me sit at the table. I paw and dig at her and whine until she lets me sit in her lap...a few more days of this and I should have my own chair!
Wow! Meatballs, you guys sure have your mom and dad trained.
Mmmm, meatballs. Lucky you guys.
hey guys, take it one at a time. slowly but i'm sure one day you'll be up there. :-)
wet wet licks
You got MEATBALLS???? I never dooo! And they smell sooo good!
Hi Duke & Gidget,
I bet those meatballs taste SO GOOOOD! We get fruits and sometimes veggies. But Dad sometimes boils organic fresh chicken just for us...he even cuts it. We do a Pug gobble gobble...and then it's gone. We need to stripe against dog food!
Love the pictures!
Porky & Brownie
I love the meatball story! Lucky duckies! I sure wish my peeps would make meatballs.
Cheers and keep those great posts coming!
That is my dream! Meat!
Did someone say MEATBALLS?! Willow and Belle Love Meatballs.
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