We seem to be suffering from Post Holiday Blues Syndrome, or PHBS. We are so bummed out about the holidays being over that we just can't seem to get motivated. In fact, we have been napping non-stop since New Years day. And it's not just because we partied a little too heartily on New Years Eve (which we did). We're hoping that the big Seahawk game this weekend will get us back to normal and put the spring back in our step. But until then, we're just gonna go back to napping. Happy New Years everybody!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, guys!!! Yes I know! I’m so upset! I want holidays again! It was so nice! Cheer up guys! Let's think to Easter Bunny! Toys, treats...
We feel the same way at our house, but it is getting better and better each day. But the house looks so boring without the decorations!
Yeah, I can totally relate. I just spent the last few days sleeping too. I like the holidays. So many people to see and so many things to do! Why can't it be Christmas all year round?
hey, you are not the only 2! i guess all of us are having the blues!
wet wet licks
Oh c'mon - everyday is a holiday! Perk up and start some trouble!!!!!!!
Bussie Kissies
Hey guys,
My daddy says congrats on the game, he says that ya'll should feel very lucky and he has no hard feelings and will start pulling for the hawks; but that is normally the kiss of death.
Happy new year,
The Grank Duke
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