Puppymill Auction Update
There is an update on the Seattle Pug Rescue website regarding the Puppymill Pugs they are trying to rescue:
Update 2-27-2007 We have found out now that there are 3 Males and 8 Females at this point. 2 of the girls are 8 years old! Some of the 8 are Bred! We will keep them safely and raise their puppies in safe hands. They will all be spayed and neutered and then placed in safe homes within our Rescue to stop these from further becoming Puppymill tragedies. One of them we will be bidding on is only 3 months old. We are able to do this through all of your Generous Donations!! Thank you so much!
They have also put up a page to track the progress they are making in reaching their goal of $5000, and to list everybody who has made a donation. They are over half way there, but there is still a long way to go. If anybody would like to help out, it is still not too late to make a donation for this very worthy cause. Thanks.
We would also like to point out that we are not in any way affiliated with Seattle Pug Rescue. We just really like the work that they do. And we also think that every doggie should have a chance at a happy life, and not just be cooped up in a crate churning out babies their whole life.
Thanks again, Duke & Gidget
Good job, SPR. Puppy mills are so inhumane, it breaks my heart. I'm glad they were shut down!
Goodluck with rescuing those dogs. I am so anti puppymills.
Tail wags
Hey Suki and Scrappy, we couldn't agree with you guys more. Puppymills are the WORST!
Hey Scrappy, If we didn't know better, we would swear your picture was winking at us.....
Hey guys,
Thanks for your encouragement with Gorby. Will you two be at the pug meetup this week so ya'll can meet him?
The Grand Duke
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