Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Meetup Pics

We know it's been over a week since we went to the Pug meetup, but hey, better late than never.

This Brindle Pug had a pretty cool outfit.

I think this older fella was getting a little annoyed with this young pup.

Of course, I had my favorite purple shirt on.

This is me and Winston's Daddy. Why does he always try to kiss me? I know I'm pretty and all but he just isn't my type.

And this is Winston. He sure has gotten big since the last time we saw him. I wonder why he never tries to kiss me?

Unfortunately, all the pictures of Duke came out blurry (heh heh heh). What a bummer! Oh well, it's not like Mommy and Daddy don't have enough pictures of Duke already. But of course they could never have enough pictures of me!

Pug Hugs ~ Gidget


At 3:55 AM, Blogger Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hahah! The picture with Winston's Daddy is so funny! I think Winston was furious, ha? But you are so cute, Gidget that no one could resist you!

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Suki & Joey said...

I love that purple shirt, Gidget. It really makes you stand out from all the other puggies :)

That old, fat pug was so funny!
Looks like you had a good time, huh? Can't wait for my next meetup!

Puggy kisses xoxo

At 1:20 AM, Blogger Boo Casanova said...

err gidget... are you sabotaging duke's photos??

wet wet licks


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Duke and Gidget said...

Thanks Ronin, I am pretty irresistable. And Winston didn't seem too bothered that his Daddy tried to kiss me. I think Winston doesn't like his Daddy too much because of the whole Gorby incident.

Thanks Suki, I love that purple shirt too! Yep, meetups are the bestest time ever!

Butchy & Snickers, we aren't real sure just how rare brindle pugs are, but we have only seen a couple of them ourselves. Their pretty cool looking, but of course, they are nowhere near as pretty as a fawn Pug!

Boo, are you suggesting that I had something to do with Duke's pictures all coming out blurry?? Never! hehehehehe


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