The Party's Over

Mom and Dad are back from their vacation, and they had a wonderful time. We had a great time too, partying with our human cousin Keith. We are pretty sure Keith had fun too, even though he wasn't very fond of the sleeping arrangements. You see, when we go to bed, we have to be right up against a human. Mom & Dad are pretty used to it, but apparently Keith didn't appreciate being made into a Pug sandwich. He seemed to get used to it though. We think.....
We were so excited when Mom & Dad got home that I ran around the house at full speed for about an hour and a half. Yep, it was a fun weekend, but we prefer to hang with Mom & Dad. Next time, we are going with them. Whether they like it or not!
Duke Out
Happy late anniversary humans. I just love Duke's attitude and have been looking for other nobles to hang around. I have already become somewhat put off by the strange behavior of my low rank humans, but me and Duke can talk about that later.
/s/ Winston, Grand Duke of Pugsworth
I feel it is important that I go with my peeps on holidays--- I sat them down and let them know in my firmest voice that- MISS PUGGY ALWAYS GOES ON HOLIDAYS! I think they got the message:) Everytime they take home books for places I cannot go I chuck them in the recycling bin when they are not looking. Duke you are the man-- let the peeps know you must go too!
Thanks Winston. I'm with you. Us nobles definitely have to stick together.
Pyrite, we love your attitude. Way to keep the peeps in line. We don't care where the peeps are going next, but we ARE going with them......pretty please Mom & Dad?
You do look like you are running wild in this picture! It's always good when the peeps get home.
Yep RPM, I was running around like a mad dog. Mom & Dad thought I was going to start foaming at the mouth!
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