What a major disappointment. At 5:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, spring was supposed to get here. And Gidget and I were all ready for it's arrival. We figured that by 5:08 we would be outside playing, or at least basking in the sunlight. Well, it is now 6:35, and it is still cold and rainy outside. So what happened to spring? It seems to be a little late in arriving. Maybe it got stuck in traffic. The traffic is pretty bad around here ya know. Or maybe it just forgot to set it's alarm clock. It's probably not used to daylight savings time starting this early.
Well, I guess we can speculate all day long, but when you get right down to it, we just don't know what happened to it. We just sure hope it gets here soon. We have had enough of this cold, wet weather. So hurry it up spring. We wanna go outside and play!
Duke Out
oh no! i hope it arrives now!
wet wet licks
I feel for ya'll. Luckily, Daddy was able to get off his lazy behind and take me to the dog park yesterday for an hour (the only hour with sunlight). Don't forget, pug meetup this Sunday at Magnuson!!
The Grand Duke
I hope that spring thing shows up soon, guys. I don't really know anything about that...it's pretty much sunny and warm here all the time.
Mommy says we'll start to get big thunderstorms every afternoon soon. I don't know what those are, but spring sounds better than lots of rain! I think our seasons are flip-flopped :)
Puggy kisses
I have the same issue… A couple of days ago it was so nice and sunny and now RAIN! I hate rain! I hope that spring will come soon guys! Puggy pug hugs!
It's a little warmer today then yesterday but now it's raining. I miss the sunshine. I hope the sun shines soon for all of us.
Not to burst your bubble but it has been almost 80 degrees here every day this week. Nap and Maggie have gotten to go for nice long walks at lunch and after dinner. Maybe you guys should move further south!
Boo, thanks for the good wishes. Unfortunately, it still hasn't shown up yet!
Winston, we hope to make it to the meetup unless it rains. If it rains, we hope to lay on the couch all day and vegetate.
Suki, if it wasn't for those thunderstorm things, we might consider moving in with you. We don't like thunderstorms at all!
Hey Ronin, we're with you. Rain sucks big time! Pug hugs back atcha.
Mia, you are so right. We hope the sun shines soon for all of us too!
Pug Mommy, your weather sounds perfect to us. Got room for two more pugs? As long as you don't get those thunderstorm things, that is.
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