What a Trip!
Gidget: Wow Duke, that was quite a trip.
Duke : Tell me about it Gidget. and of course you
had to make it even more interesting
with your little problem...
Gidget: Hey, it wasn't my fault dude!
Duke: Your butt blew up like a giant red tomato!
Gidget: It was an infected anal gland.
Duke: That thing was so big we had to get an extra
hotel room just for your butt!
Gidget: That's not funny Duke....
Duke: It was so big it had it's own area code!
Gidget: Enough with the stupid jokes already!
Duke: Well I'm sure Mom & Dad really appreciated
having to find a vet in the middle of
North Dakota on a Saturday night!
Gidget: Yeah that was kind of a bummer. But at
least we made it and my booty is fine now.
So where do you think we are?
Duke: I'm thinking Europe. Or maybe Asia...
Gidget: You're an idiot Duke! We didn't cross the ocean!
Duke: Well we were sure in those dang cars long enough!
Gidget: Yeah we were. But seriously, where do
you think we are?
Duke: I don't know Gidget. All I know is the humans
talk really weird around here.
Gidget: Yeah, I noticed that too.
Duke: It's like the letter R doesn't even exist here.
Gidget: Hmmmm..........

had to make it even more interesting
with your little problem...
Gidget: Hey, it wasn't my fault dude!
Duke: Your butt blew up like a giant red tomato!
Gidget: It was an infected anal gland.
Duke: That thing was so big we had to get an extra
hotel room just for your butt!
Gidget: That's not funny Duke....
Duke: It was so big it had it's own area code!
Gidget: Enough with the stupid jokes already!
Duke: Well I'm sure Mom & Dad really appreciated
having to find a vet in the middle of
North Dakota on a Saturday night!
Gidget: Yeah that was kind of a bummer. But at
least we made it and my booty is fine now.
So where do you think we are?
Duke: I'm thinking Europe. Or maybe Asia...
Gidget: You're an idiot Duke! We didn't cross the ocean!
Duke: Well we were sure in those dang cars long enough!
Gidget: Yeah we were. But seriously, where do
you think we are?
Duke: I don't know Gidget. All I know is the humans
talk really weird around here.
Gidget: Yeah, I noticed that too.
Duke: It's like the letter R doesn't even exist here.
Gidget: Hmmmm..........
I wonder where are you!
Sounds like you had an interesting situation with Gidget butt!
Glad she is doing well!
Kisses and hugs
It totally has to be Minnesota!!!
Winston and Cosette
Glad you guys didn't go crossing any oceans! And glad the butt situation got cleared up. I hope you have lots of stuffies there to keep you company until you can learn to understand all those humans that talk funny.
Glad you guys made it safely to wherever you are and that Gidget's butt is all better!
Glad the butt is okay. Where in the world are Duke and Gidget?
I'm a new reader of your blog and I will be following Duke & Gidget now because of this hilarious post! I hope they are enjoying the new home!
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