Saturday, July 18, 2009

What a Trip!

Gidget: Wow Duke, that was quite a trip.
Duke : Tell me about it Gidget. and of course you
had to make it even more interesting
with your little problem...
Gidget: Hey, it wasn't my fault dude!
Duke: Your butt blew up like a giant red tomato!
Gidget: It was an infected anal gland.
Duke: That thing was so big we had to get an extra
hotel room just for your butt!
Gidget: That's not funny Duke....
Duke: It was so big it had it's own area code!
Gidget: Enough with the stupid jokes already!
Duke: Well I'm sure Mom & Dad really appreciated
having to find a vet in the middle of
North Dakota on a Saturday night!
Gidget: Yeah that was kind of a bummer. But at
least we made it and my booty is fine now.
So where do you think we are?
Duke: I'm thinking Europe. Or maybe Asia...
Gidget: You're an idiot Duke! We didn't cross the ocean!
Duke: Well we were sure in those dang cars long enough!
Gidget: Yeah we were. But seriously, where do
you think we are?
Duke: I don't know Gidget. All I know is the humans
talk really weird around here.
Gidget: Yeah, I noticed that too.
Duke: It's like the letter R doesn't even exist here.
Gidget: Hmmmm..........


At 12:43 PM, Blogger Lorenza said...

I wonder where are you!
Sounds like you had an interesting situation with Gidget butt!
Glad she is doing well!
Kisses and hugs

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Winston Pugsworth said...

It totally has to be Minnesota!!!

Winston and Cosette

At 3:37 PM, Blogger dw said...

Glad you guys didn't go crossing any oceans! And glad the butt situation got cleared up. I hope you have lots of stuffies there to keep you company until you can learn to understand all those humans that talk funny.

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Glad you guys made it safely to wherever you are and that Gidget's butt is all better!

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Peanut said...

Glad the butt is okay. Where in the world are Duke and Gidget?

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Archie said...

I'm a new reader of your blog and I will be following Duke & Gidget now because of this hilarious post! I hope they are enjoying the new home!


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