Sleepin' In

I went and jumped on Dad, who was also sleeping soundly. "Wake up old man, WAKE UP! I begged him. "Look at all that light coming through the window", I said. Dad groggily looked at the clock. "8:30" he said. "Wow, you guys let me sleep pretty late today".
It was true. Somehow, both Gidget and I slept right through our regular weekend wake up time. How could we let this happen? There was breakfast to be eaten, and naps to be taken, and we were very, very late. Oh the horror of it all. Our whole weekend routine was gonna be thrown off now. What could we do? And who was to blame? Of course, I blame Gidget. It must be all her fault. Somehow, I must find a way to make her pay for her indiscretion. But first, I must nap. Hopefully I can get back to my dream and find out what kind of tasty dessert awaits me. Somebody wake me when it's dinnertime.
Duke Out
Oh, no! Your whole weekend, ruinied. I wake my parents up early, too. Usually around 6:45 but I give them an extra 15 minutes on weekends.
If you had been sleeping next to me, I would have woken you up by licking your ears and biting your legs. Hehehe.
Puggy kisses
Hey Duke and Gidget,Glad you are adjusting to Mom working>(A drag I know, but someone has to keep the cookies and toys coming. Better Mom than ya'll right??) Since I am without Puglett snores and sloppy kisses right now, give Mom and Dad an extra one or two for me! Sunny, my service dog kisses pretty well, but not a snore to be heard. Maybe I could be your adopted godmom via long distance. Big hugs and sloppy kisses from the Lone Star State! Jamie
Don't you just hate when a good dream is broken and you wake up to find out you had over slept? Oh the horror. Lucky you if you were able to doze back off and pick up where you left off. Hopefully your whole day wasn't off by the extra sleepies.
Duke, you're so funny! Does your tongue hang out all the time? Even when you're sleeping? Can you catch flies with it? Doesn't it get really dry and scratchy hanging out like that all the time? Your tongue is fascinating. I think you could write a book about it.
Suki, I like the licking my ears part, but I am not so sure about the biting my legs part. I get enough of that from Gidget.
Jamie, we'd love to have you as our adopted godmom. Thanks, and we'll be sure to give Mom & Dad plenty of sloppy kisses and snores for you!
Mia, thankfully I was able to catch up on my naps, and get back to my normal weekend routine. I never did get back to that dream, but instead I had the one where I am driving the car, Mom and Dad are buckled into their harnesses in the backseat, and Gidget is locked in the trunk. Yeah, thats a pretty good one too.....
Norman, The answer to all of your questions is yes. Although I haven't actually caught a fly yet, I'm quite sure I could if I tried. And the worst part is definitely that it hangs out and gets all dry and crunchy while I am sleeping. It feels like a piece of 40 grit sandpaper.
Oh I have a schedule too! When I don't respect it I’m very nervous. It happened to me too to wake up really late… When we changed the time after the summer hour my humans said I was to blame because they didn’t wake up in time to go to work… Weird humans…
Ronin, that sounds just like a human to blame it on the pug. You should get a sister and then you can just blame everything on her. That's what I do!
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