A Tail Of Two Pugs
Multum In Parvo
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
About Me
- Name: Duke and Gidget
- Location: Attleboro, Massachusetts, United States
We are a pair of Chinese Pugs seeking human contact and all the attention we can get!

Previous Posts
- Kong Overboard
- Sleepin' In
- Mommy's New Job
- Poopin On The Patio
- Lucky and Flo
- The First Day Of Spring?
- Gidget Vs The Doggie On The TV
- Meetup Pics
- Queen Of The (pillow) Mountain
- Clearing Up A Rumor
- Seattle Pug Rescue
- Doggy Haven Resort
- Pugs.nl Pug Forum
- Dogs With Blogs
- Bellevue-Seattle Pug Club
- Seattle Pug Meetup Group
Doggie Pals
- A Day In The Life Of Our Pugs
- A Pugs Life
- Adore Le Pug
- Archie Parcheesi's Blog
- Balboa
- Bernard Hinault Lilje
- Buster The Wired Fox Terror
- Butchy & Snickers
- Cubby Goes Digital
- Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle
- Flat Nosed Pups
- Giggs' Diggs
- Goodboy Norman Featherstone
- In Pug We Trust
- Ladypug Mugs
- Life With Pugs
- Lorenza's Diary
- Luci Lu
- Owned By Pugs
- Pacco de Mongrel
- Peanut
- Pug Posse
- Pug Possessed
- Pug(s) and Bugg
- Pugsley
- Pyrite & Boscoe
- Ragus Pug
- Raouls Travels
- Ronin The Pug
- Ruby Bleu
- Suki Sumo
- Sunshine & Mud Puddles
- The Brat Pack
- The Devil Dog
- The Dogs of Jackman Ave
- The Life and Crimes of Dutch the Pug
- The Pug Blug
- The Pug Farm
- Two Wild & Crazy Guyz
- Ume Tyan
- Winston And Sela
- Winston On Pugs
- Woody
- Writing Chances
- Yogi The Pug
- Zach & Kiki
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Duke 'n Gidget. Make your own badge here.
Happy burpday Dad! Pug butt to u!
Bussie Kissies
If it's the same one I've seen before, you see the feet and rear legs on the back of the card.
That is way awesome.
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