Happy Easter
The Easter Bunny came this morning! Duke is pretty bummed about it though. He doesn't understand how a giant bunny got in the house without him hearing it. Oh well, at least we got some pretty cool gifts!
We each got new outfits! Mine is a pretty pink Easter outfit, and Duke's is a camouflage muscle shirt that says "Tuff Dog". I think it should say "Thinks he's a Tuff Dog". hehehe
I think my new outfit is quite festive.

Here is Duke with another one of our Easter gifts. It is a squeaky sneaker. I think Daddy is hoping Duke will quit trying to eat his real sneakers.

Me without "our" new toy.....

And Duke with "our" new toy. Anybody see a trend here?

Oh and we also got a new doormat for the back porch. It looks like a big bone. Anybody want to bet on how long until Duke eats it?

So all in all it was a very nice Easter. We hope all our buddies out there had nice Easters too.
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget
Wow, you guys had a great Easter! Gidget, you look soooo pretty in that pink outfit; very festive indeed.
Duke, you are very handsome in that shirt. I think you are a very tuff (and cute!) dog! :) Oh, and your dad should know that real slippers taste way better than fake ones - he's just wasting his $...hehehe!
Puggy kisses
Thats a nice outfit & doormat!
M sure it'll take a long time to finish that bone..hehehee
Pretty dress Gidget, you know, pink is the new black for this year, right?
Gidget, such a cute dress! You'll have to check my site to see Winston and Sela's Easter outfits. Sela has a pink dress as well!
We're late, but Happy Easter! We love your new outfits!!
The Brat Pack
Great new outfits. I like the sneaker too. I think it's time I go shopping with my Mom so I can pick out some cool stuff.
You kids are soo lucky! Looks like the Easter bunny really loves you guys.
Your dress is so pretty, Gidget, and Duke looks very studly in his camo shirt. Happy Easter (a little late)!
Hi guys! Happy (late) Easter!!! Look at your gifts! The outfits are so cool! :)
We have a "Wipe Your Paws" one...it appears I am the only one wiping my "paws" while everyone else runs in...I like the bone shape one you got.
I did not get anything for Easter, and I'm starting to get ticked off about it. The Woman said Easter gifts are neither given nor received. I think she is a liar!
MY Gidget, You look mahvelous, darling! Duke looks quite dapper himself! But Gidget, what's up with the ONE new toy????? Demand your OWN new toy, I say!! Happy Easter(a day late, sorry :( ) By the way, love the mat,gotta find one. Hope they have em here in TX.(By the way we had snow flurries the day before Easter, WHAT'S UP with that????? Sunny my standard poodle/service dog loved it. She got her fav-long dacshund looking deal-she likes to get the squeakers out) Big hugs and sloppy puglett kisses to you!!!
Thanks for all the compliments everybody! We hope you all had as good an Easter as we did. And Norman, we don't think the Woman is a liar, we just think our parents are a little bit wacked. OK, maybe a lot wacked.
Godmommy, thanks for the suggestion, but it really doesn't matter. My toys very quickly become Duke's toys, so I think my parents have given up on getting us separate toys. They just call them all "our" toys, and then Duke claims them for himself. Even if he doesn't particularly like a toy, he suddenly loves it if he sees me playing with it.
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