Gidget's last post made it sound as though she was the alpha in this house. I found that quite laughable. And I'd like to assure everydoggy that I am quite clearly still in charge around here. And if anydoggy doubts that, I have included this picture of me looking all tough. You want a piece of that? I think not. And just to remind Gidget of my superiority, I will now go and pee on her. I hope everydoggy has a great weekend!
Duke Out
I want a piece of that! ;) LOL!
Puggy kisses
I noticed that Porky and Brownie likes to pee on each other sometimes too...I am guessing the one who is submissive would not move and let the alpha pee on them. Duke, you are too cute! You behavior is just like Browni's, always trying to prove yourself and find your place in the pack. LOL. LOVE you beautiful teeth!
Porky, Brownie, and Mom
I love the puggy sneer!
Duke, you have such pearly whites! Thankfully, none of my pugs pee on the other, but there is a gardenia that takes a lot of abuse...
Oh, what a face! I know that black puggies are the boss...we have one here that is quite bossy!
I wanted to write some cool stuff, but mommy is screaming in my ear about how cute you both are. Anwyay cool site and I'm definately afraid of that look, I wouldn't mess with you.
Frenchie Kisses,
Tuff...very tuff! You have teeth just like mine, Duke. My Mom calls them Funny Teeth. I beg to differ.
Lola the little white Boxe
"Look at that sweet face!!!"... this is what my human with the computer said looking at your pic...
Pee on her Duke! You have to keep the women folk in line!
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