Tonight on Monday Night Videos, we answer the question "who's the most popular human at the pug meetup?" It's the treat lady of course! And as an extra added bonus, we've included video of a pug stampede. Enjoy!
Tonight on Monday Night Videos we present two videos of Duke and his world famous tongue. The first one is at normal speed, and the second video is in super slo-mo. Enjoy!
Hey everydoggy. Duke here. We got tagged (a long, long time ago) by Penny to share with you what vehicle best resembles or shows our personality. We are really sorry we took so long to responding to it, but hey, better late than never.
I would definitely be a Hummer H3. I might be a little bit smaller, but I'm still tough as nails!
Gidget's pick was just as obvious...
Herbie the Love Bug. She's cute, and sweet, and kinda round, but she'll still run your butt over if you anger her. This I know from personal experience.
Penny also tagged us to list five nicknames we call our Mom. This one was a little bit tougher for us. But here goes...
1. Woman who feeds us. 2. Woman who takes us for walks. 3. Woman with lap 4. Woman who makes us go outside to pee. 5. Woman we love more than anything else in the whole world!
We have kinda been out of it for a while, so we have no idea who has or hasn't been tagged. So if you'd like to play, consider yourself tagged. And have a great weekend everydoggy!
We know what you're thinking. You're thinking "all they ever do anymore is post videos on Monday nights". In fact, we are seriously considering changing the name of this blog to "A Tail Of Monday Night Videos". But seriously, we apologize (yet again) for our lack of posts recently, and we promise to get back to a more frequent posting schedule very soon. But in the meantime, here's a quick update on what we have been doing.
My knee is feeling much better, and we are still putting off my surgery until Daddy can get some time off work. Lately, he has been working like 30 hours a day, and it is very hard for him to get any time off. Interestingly enough, this also has a lot to do with why we haven't been posting more frequently lately.
We still haven't met the neighbor dog Brodie, and it now looks like we never will. Duke and Brodie are still acting like they want to kill each other through the fence, and then last week Brodie tried to take a chunk out of our daddy's hand. We think he might have just confused his hand for a ham sandwich (Duke has done this many times), but we aren't going to take any chances. We will just have to be content to bark at him through the fence.
We haven't heard back from America's Funniest Home Video's yet, and we aren't holding our breath either. We have done a little research on just what it means when they send you a release form to fill out, and near as we can tell, it means that our video will get aired, however there is no telling when that will happen. It could be five weeks from now, or it could be five years from now. So we are just going to be patient and wait to hear from them. We'll be sure to let everydoggy know if we ever get an air date.
Other than that, we have just been doing normal pug stuff. Wrestling with Daddy, barking at Mommy, and watching football with The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door. Unfortunately, our Seahawks haven't been doing so well lately, so watching football hasn't been as fun as it was last year. But at least we still score lots of food that The Crazy Man spills. Now, on to the video.
Tonight on Monday Night Videos, we present that ferocious guard dog Gidget, protecting the homestead. Enjoy!
He is your friend, your partner, your defender,
your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours,
faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of
such devotion.