Monday, January 29, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Well, we're finally back from our stay at Doggy Haven, or as Buster put it, doggie camp. We actually got back late last week, but we were so tired that we spent the entire weekend napping. We had a wonderful time at doggie camp. It was non-stop playtime the whole time we were there. Unfortunately for us, the humans who watched us at Doggy Haven gave away our secret. They wrote on our report cards (that's right, we got report cards) that we spent all our time playing with each other, and that we are best friends and love each other. Blah blah blah. It's gonna take some work convincing Mom and Dad that we really can't stand each other, but we are going to try.

On our first day back, Mom & Dad kept sniffing the air and wondering what that nasty smell was. Then they figured out that it was us! We had some serious Doggy funk going on, so it was off to the bath we went. Now we're all clean and well rested and ready to get back to our normal routine. Hmmm, I think I'll take a nap.....

Duke Out

P.S. Special thanks to Winston for offering to break us out. That did sound like fun to us, but we're thinking it would have actually been more fun if we had broken you in to Doggy Haven. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

On Vacation

Mommy and Daddy are heading to the East Coast tomorrow, which means Duke and I will be spending the next week and a half at Doggy Haven. We just love that place, but the only bad thing about it is that we will not have internet access. That means we will not be able to post while we are there. But at least we will be able to see all our old friends, and probably make a few new ones too. So we hope everyone has a great week, and we'll see you when we get back!

Pug Hugs ~ Gidget

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Oh No! More Snow!

Well, it snowed again here yesterday, and we are not very happy about it. It is wet, cold, and it makes pooping not very enjoyable. About the only thing we like about the snow is that it covers up the poop that is already in the yard. Then Dad goes outside and steps in it. For some reason we find this very humorous. hehehe

Duke out

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Lazy Dogs

We have been very lazy dogs lately. And because we have mostly just been laying around doing nothing, we haven't had much to post about. Fortunately, Buster gave us some very good advice. He told us to perk up and start some trouble. So Saturday, while all the humans were watching the big Seahawk game, I scarfed some spinach dip from off of the coffee table. Then, I peed on Dad's guitar amp. And then for good measure, I peed on Gidget. Twice. Yep, things are starting to get back to normal around here!

Duke out

Thursday, January 04, 2007


We seem to be suffering from Post Holiday Blues Syndrome, or PHBS. We are so bummed out about the holidays being over that we just can't seem to get motivated. In fact, we have been napping non-stop since New Years day. And it's not just because we partied a little too heartily on New Years Eve (which we did). We're hoping that the big Seahawk game this weekend will get us back to normal and put the spring back in our step. But until then, we're just gonna go back to napping. Happy New Years everybody!