Hey everydoggy, Gidget here. We realize it's been quite a while since our last real post, so we wanted to give everydoggy a quick update and let you all know what we've been up to. Mostly, we've just been hanging out with Mommy and Daddy enjoying the end of summer. We really wish summer didn't have to end, but at least it means we get to watch football every Sunday with our Daddy and the Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door. We love doing that because The Crazy Man tends to drink too much beer and spill his food. Yum!
We still haven't met our new neighbor Brody, and I am starting to think that it might never happen. Brody and Duke have had quite a few very animated "conversations" through the fence, and quite frankly, it has everybody a little freaked out. So we're just gonna play it by ear, and wait and see if things don't calm down a bit between these two Alpha males.
A few of you have asked about my knee recently. I am very happy to report that it has been feeling much better lately. In fact, I have even been able to chase Duke around the house a few times. I still plan on having the surgery, but we might just wait until after Christmas to get it done. As long as it doesn't start popping out all over the place again, that is. Thanks for everydoggies concern, I really appreciate it!
And now for our really big news. We might just be jumping the gun a little bit by telling everydoggy this, but we're just so excited that we can't help ourselves. A couple weeks ago, we sent a few of our videos into America's Funniest Home Videos, and yesterday, we received a release form from them that we have to fill out and put our paw prints on. We even have to get The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door to put his paw print on it, because he can be heard laughing in the background. We are currently in negotiations with The Crazy Man's lawyer, and we have offered him two slightly chewed nyla bones and a bag of Breath Buster doggy treats (he could really use those) if he puts his paw print on it, and we're pretty sure that he will accept. Now we realize that this doesn't necessarily mean that we will be on the show, but we are pretty darn excited to know that they are even considering it. So who knows, Duke and I just might be TV stars soon. I just hope it doesn't make Duke's head swell up any bigger than it already is. If it does, Mommy and Daddy just might have to widen the doorways a little bit. We'll be sure to keep everydoggy updated when we hear more about this.
Whew, that was a really long post. I had better go nap now.
~Pug Hugs~