The Park
Do you think he's right?
Duke: Nope. He is way off.
Gidget: How do you know that.
Duke: Because we can see the ocean from here, and
Minny-soda is nowhere near the ocean.
Gidget: Oh yeah. Well have you figured out where we
are yet?
Duke: I'm still working on it. But right now we have more
important things to do.
Gidget: Oh yeah? Like what?
Duke: We need to get ready to go to the park!
Gidget: We're going to the park? Hooray!
Duke: Yep, I heard Dad say he wanted to go to the park.
We need to be careful though, cuz I also heard
him say there is a giant monster at this park.
Gidget: A monster? Oh no! What kind of monster?
Duke: A green one.....