Catching Up
the kind words everydoggy left me about all of my health
problems. And thanks for all the awesome "welcome back's"
that we got. That sure made us feel good. And a special
thanks to our best buddy Winston for the awesome
post he put up about us. You totally rock dude!

back it was giving me some problems, and the doctor said
they would probably have to operate on my patella. Well I'm
happy to report that it hasn't given me any trouble in a long,
long time. So we have decided to just put that off indefinitely.
That sounds like a great idea to me. The last thing I want is
more surgery, especially after the last one I had. Apparently
my heart rate dropped really low, and they had to in-too-bait
me. I'm not real sure what that means, but it scared Mom and
Dad quite a bit. But then again, they do scare pretty easily.

"America's Funniest Home Videos" has not aired yet. They
said they would contact us before it aired, and we never
did hear from them. But we did hear that next year
they are going to be doing a special show devoted
to pugs, so we are hoping to be included. But even if
we aren't that sure sounds like a fun show to watch!

a good reason. We have to get caught up on all our shots so
that we can go to Doggy Haven for a few days next month.
Mom and Dad are going to someplace called "Lost Wages
Nevada". Apparently there is a a giant pit there that you can
throw all of your money in to. Sounds like fun. But not as much
fun as we are going to have at Doggy Haven. WOO HOO, we
can't wait! It sure is good to be healthy for a change!