Monday Night Videos: Swimming Pugs
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Multum In Parvo
We've been tagged by our pal Suki, to share our favoritest things with you. So, here goes!
1. Where is your favorite place to sleep?
Definitely on the big bed, with a human wedged between us. Honorable mention goes to the couch, the recliner, and Gidget's new bed.
2. Is there a specific trick your humans make you do to get treats?
Tricks? Yeah right, don't be ridiculous!
3.If you could spend an entire day doing anything at all with anyone, what would it be and who would it be with?
Our perfect day would start very early. We would wake up Dad and make him feed us a big breakfast, followed by frosty paws for dessert. After breakfast we would nap for a couple hours to get our energy back, then we would pile into the car with Mom & Dad and head to a pug meetup. After the meetup, we would come back home and invite The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door over for a BBQ. We would grill up some meat and have a big ol' feast. After we finished eating, we might even toss the humans a few table scraps. Then after dinner, all five of us would cuddle together on the couch and watch America's Funniest Home Videos. Sorry Mom & Dad, but The Crazy Man is invited to that too. Then, we would go to bed and get some sleep so we could wake up early again tomorrow and do it all over again.
4. What is your favorite toy?
Duke: Every toy in the world is my favorite.
Gidget: Definitely my little stuffed lion. I can even make it roar!
5. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
Hmmmm. That is a tough one. Some of our pals have come up with some pretty deep answers to this question. We, on the other paw, are nothing if not extremely shallow, so our answer will be that we wouldn't change a thing. After all, why would you want to mess with perfection?
So there you have it! Thanks for the tag Suki, that was fun! Now we would like to tag Winston, Newton, and Napoleon & Maggie. What are your guys' favorite things?
Tonight on Monday Night Videos, we present a bit of a mystery. A couple weeks ago somebody snuck into our house and hid in the bathroom without us knowing. Who do you think it could be? We'll reveal the answer next week.
Here's a picture of Duke in happier times. This was taken at Winston's birthday party.
And here's Duke at his happiest. Posing with some of his toys.
Just so you know that this post isn't just all about Duke, here's a picture of me playing with our pal Emmy.
It's been pretty hot lately, so Duke likes to hang out in front of the fan. Hey Duke, why don't you try getting a little bit closer. Oh no! there goes an ear! hehehehehe
And finally, here's a picture of me being lazy. Oh how I love that new bed of mine. At least when Duke isn't stealing it from me.
So there you have it. A textbook post about basically nothing. This blogging thing isn't that hard after all.
In other news, we still haven't met our new neighbor Brody face to face yet. But we have barked at him a lot. And for those of you who asked, yes, he does live with The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door, but he actually "belongs" (and we use that word very loosely) to The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door's Sister. We're still looking forward to meeting him, but we're not sure when that is going to be. We're also not sure what the heck we're waiting for, but we think it has something to do with our Mom's paranoia. But we'll be sure to keep you posted.
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget