Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bath Night

We are not very fond of bath time. Duke was getting pretty stinky though...

Now I'm all clean and even prettier...Is that Duke I hear coming back from his bath? Time to attack!

It looks like Duke is already whooped. I hope he still has some engery left because I'm ready for a chase!

All Duke wants to do after his bath is attack the towel.

And all I want to do is have fun!
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday Morning

After a long hard work week, it's good to start off the weekend with a good long nap. Yep, nothing's better than catching a few z's on a Saturday morning. There is no telling what might be in store for us this weekend, so we need to do some serious resting up. A trip to the dog park, a swim in Lake Stevens, maybe a road trip to Petsmart, who knows? So many possibilities... We had better sleep on this.

Duke out

Our New Harnesses

Mom saw a post about the Puppia Harness on Riley's blog, so she just had to get a couple for us. I must admit, I do look quite pretty in mine. Now I just need to convince Daddy to get me a pink leash to complete my ensemble. Duke would look handsome in his if he wasn't so goofy. hehehe.

We're going to give them a test run tomorrow and will let you know how it goes!
Pug hugs~Gidget

Goofy ... Maybe, but the ladies find me Simply Irresitible!
Duke Out

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Thank You Ayatollah Mugsy

Duke and I are now firm believers in the power of The Great One. After 4 straight days of unbearable heat, the mercury only reached 75 today. And this just one day after the Almighty Ayatollah Mugsy prayed for us. Coincidence? We think not! Thank you so much Oh Great One!
Pug Hugs~Gidget

Saturday, July 22, 2006


This is NOT cool. Literally and figuratively. Right after Gidget goes and boasts about the temperature being in the low 70's, we get hit with this nasty heatwave. Thanks alot Gidgey! Yesterday the mercury hit 97 freakin degrees! We missed the all-time high for Lake Stevens by 1 stinkin degree. Oh boy what a consolation. And today and tomorrow are supposed to be just as hot. We are not designed for this kind of weather, we are PUGS. OK mom and Dad, it's time to start seriously thinking about getting AC installed....
Duke out

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Waiting For Daddy

We have been so good lately...we haven't had any of what Mommy calls, "little accidents" in the house and Duke hasn't chewed up anything for as long as I can remember. I think that is why Mommy has been letting us up on what Daddy calls "the nice couch" more often.
Lately Mommy has been letting us watch out the window for Daddy to pull into the driveway, we LOVE doing that!
We have been known to be stubborn. We can't help it, we are PUGS... but I'm starting to see that making Mommy happy definitely has its we just have to figure out how we can use this good behavior to work to our advantage....hhmm I'm thinking Pupperoni Ice Cream Sundae, who's with me?
Pug Hugs~Gidgey

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Keep Cool

This is a picture of Duke laying in our favorite spot. On top of dad. Dad's back has been hurting him lately, so he has been spending a lot of time on the couch. And that means we have had lots of access to our favorite spot. We are not real sure if this helps his back or not, but we figure it can't hurt. After all, his doctor did tell him to take two pugs and call him in the morning.
In other news, Duke and I saw on the TV today that it is very hot in most of the country. That makes us very worried for all our puggie brothers and sisters. We hope you are all staying cool in front of the AC. Or at least in front of a fan. Not to rub it in or anything, but the temperature here has only been in the low 70's. That is just the way we like it.
~Pug Hugs~ Gidget

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pug Meetup Video

As promised, here is the video from Saturday's Pug Meetup. For those of you that think all pugs look alike, I am the black pug with a black harness, and Gidget is the fawn pug with the green harness. However, I think you will all agree that the real star of the show was a hyperactive puppy named Saffron. Take a look at the video and you'll see what I mean.

Duke Out

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Today, Gidget and I went to our very first Pug meetup. We had the time of our lives! There were so many pugs there that we actually lost count. Here are a few pics. Hopefully, Dad will have some video to post later.

We had never seen so many black pugs in one place!

I was checking to see if this guy needed mouth to mouth resuscitation. Turns out he was just a little tired.

This is our new buddy Simon. He is only 7 months old, and still a little shy. He preferred to hang out with the humans.

One of the other black pugs and I thought this fawn pug needed a good ear cleaning.

I think this brawl was a draw!

All in all, everybody had a wonderful time. We can't wait for the next one! But right now, we need a good long nap!

Duke out

The Weekend Is Here!

It was a beautiful night in Lake Stevens, so we decided to take a little car ride around the lake. Since we don't have a valid Washington state drivers license, dad had to go with us too. We barked at everything we saw, blew snot all over the car windows, and scratched the interior all up! It was great!
In other news, we heard a rumor that we would be going to our very first pug meetup tomorrow. What could be better than a bunch of out of control pugs going crazy in a confined area? We can't think of anything. We'll be sure and post some pics. Have a great weekend everybody!

Duke out

Monday, July 10, 2006

Doing Our Chores

It's not easy being a pug. In addition to being cute, we also have to help out with the housework. Here is a video showing how we help with the vacuuming. We find it works best if Duke attacks the vacuum and then I attack Duke. Hey, it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. At least we don't have to clean the toilets.
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget

P.S. Listen to the noises Duke makes while he is working. Is he a goofball or what?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lazy Dogs

It's been a pretty lazy weekend for Duke and I. We have spent the past few days recovering from our wild Fourth of July party. Also, it has been too hot around here lately for us to do anything besides lay in front of the fan. We did take a couple evening walks down to the lake, but that has been about it for us. I guess that's why they call it "the dog days of summer".
~Pug Hugs~ Gidget

Anybody got a light?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

4th Of July Party

We hosted a little 4th of July shindig with the fam. Everyone had a great time. Gidget and I got tons of human attention, and there was even a few four legged friends for us to play with. It was going great until the explosions started. Then we all got stuck in a room where all we could do was bark like crazy. Actually, that was pretty fun too, come to think of it......

Gidget and I got all dressed up for the party.

This is our pug buddy Chewy. We were hoping to score ourselves a Fat Tire luck

This is Chewy's baby sister Lady. This doesn't look like the most comfortable position I have ever seen...

This is our new friend Lucy playing with Chewy. They didn't seem to understand that this was the "off limits" couch. But hey, it was a party, things got a little crazy...

And finally, this is me the morning after. I think I need some coffee.....

Duke Out

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy 4th Of July

Happy Independence Day Everybody!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Weekend Update

Thursday night our buddy Emmy came over, and we all got attacked by mosquitoes. Consequently, Friday night Mommy & Daddy went to Target and purchased this contraption. It is called "Mosquito Magnet Defender" and it ROCKS! It single-handedly destroyed dozens of flying critters the first night it was here. We like it so much that Duke hasn't even peed on it yet.
Mommy & Daddy spent most of Saturday doing yard work. Duke and I help out by standing directly in front of them whenever they are doing anything. We think this helps a lot. Saturday night, we went for a boat ride, and Sunday we had a BBQ and an early evening walk around the neighborhood. Mommy & Daddy say I need to drop a few pounds, so they have been on a walk kick lately. Personally, I think I look beautiful.

Pug Hugs~Gidget


Saturday night we took a little boat trip around Lake are some pictures.

A view of Mt. Pilchuck from out on the lake.

It was a beautiful sunset.

I think this guy took a wrong turn.

How cool was this? When he is done with his boat trip, he just drives right out of the lake!