Bath Night

All Duke wants to do after his bath is attack the towel.
And all I want to do is have fun!
Multum In Parvo
After a long hard work week, it's good to start off the weekend with a good long nap. Yep, nothing's better than catching a few z's on a Saturday morning. There is no telling what might be in store for us this weekend, so we need to do some serious resting up. A trip to the dog park, a swim in Lake Stevens, maybe a road trip to Petsmart, who knows? So many possibilities... We had better sleep on this.
This is a picture of Duke laying in our favorite spot. On top of dad. Dad's back has been hurting him lately, so he has been spending a lot of time on the couch. And that means we have had lots of access to our favorite spot. We are not real sure if this helps his back or not, but we figure it can't hurt. After all, his doctor did tell him to take two pugs and call him in the morning.
It was a beautiful night in Lake Stevens, so we decided to take a little car ride around the lake. Since we don't have a valid Washington state drivers license, dad had to go with us too. We barked at everything we saw, blew snot all over the car windows, and scratched the interior all up! It was great!
In other news, we heard a rumor that we would be going to our very first pug meetup tomorrow. What could be better than a bunch of out of control pugs going crazy in a confined area? We can't think of anything. We'll be sure and post some pics. Have a great weekend everybody!
Duke out
It's been a pretty lazy weekend for Duke and I. We have spent the past few days recovering from our wild Fourth of July party. Also, it has been too hot around here lately for us to do anything besides lay in front of the fan. We did take a couple evening walks down to the lake, but that has been about it for us. I guess that's why they call it "the dog days of summer".
This is our pug buddy Chewy. We were hoping to score ourselves a Fat Tire luck
Pug Hugs~Gidget