Celebrity Look-a-likes
It could only be........Gene Simmons of the rock group Kiss. Besides the obvious similarity, they both have black hair (I'm not so sure if Gene's is natural though) and they both think they are ladies men.
Mine was even easier.....
The late Princess Diana. She was blonde and so am I. And everybody always tells me that I am a princess too. Not to mention the fact that we both dress so very elegantly.
I could also mention the fact that Princess Diana got stuck living with a dork for most of her life and so did I, but I didn't want to make Duke feel bad. So I'll just leave that part out.
OK, now it's our turn to tag some doggies. We are gonna tag Rocco, Winston & Sela, and anybody else who hasn't been tagged yet. Let's see them celebrity look-a-likes guys!
Pug Hugs~Gidget