We got tagged by
Ragus Pug's Mama, so here goes:
5 weird things about Gidget:
1. I will not let people touch my face, unless I know them very well. And don't even think about trying to give me a kiss!
2. If I have a large treat, I will walk around the house with it in my mouth whining like a baby for a good half an hour before I eat it.
3. When I am eating my supper, I will take each kibble out of the bowl and put it on the floor before I eat it. One at a time.
4. I do not like riding in the backseat of the car. In fact, I will bark and whine non-stop until we reach our destination unless I am allowed in the front seat.
5. I love to watch TV. And if I see a doggie on the TV, I will bark like crazy and try to get behind the TV so I can let them out.
5 weird things about Duke:1. Sometimes when I am taking a walk, I get so excited when I am marking my territory that a deuce accidentally pops out, if ya know what I mean.
2. My tongue does not fit in my mouth. My mama says that my tongue got switched at birth, and somewhere there is a St. Bernard walking around with a little Pug tongue.
3. I do not like it when other dogs mark
my territory. Sometimes I get so impatient waiting for the other dog to finish that I will lift my leg and pee on them.
4. Although I like to consider myself a tough guy, I am easily scared by the most obscure things. One time there was a CD that was reflecting sunlight on the ceiling, and I was so scared by it that I hid under the table for a day and a half!
5. I get so excited when I see my food dish, that I will stand on my hind legs and spin in circles.
OK, thats 5 weird things about us, now we have to tag 5 more pugs. We are tagging
Pugsley the Lovely Lady Pug,
Raoul from Raoul's Travels, Chloe, Buster, and Pugsley from Three Pug Mugs, and Brasco from Uncorked Lunch. We are tagging the latter four mainly because we cannot find their blogs anymore and we miss them!
Pug Hugs from Gidget and Duke.....Out!