The Evidence
Multum In Parvo
Mom & Dad are upstairs baking pies for the big feast tomorrow, so we thought we would take this opportunity to list some of the things that we are grateful for this Thanksgiving. So here they are, in no particular order:
Dinner time around here is quite a ritual. First, Duke and I both get to go upstairs into the kitchen while Mommy and/or Daddy prepare our meal. I get my supper in a special Old Navy bowl, and Duke gets his in what is basically a molded piece of tin. Duke will eat out of anything but I will ONLY eat out of my own special bowl.
So anyway. I think you get the picture. Duke has some separation anxiety issues. And I haven't even mentioned the three remote control's, several pairs of shoes, and countless toys he has destroyed. And probably a few other things that I have forgotten about. To be fair it had been quite a while since he had destroyed anything. At least until last night. It's nice having a brother who makes me look like a complete angel. Thanks Dukie!
Pug Hugs ~ Gidget
Duke has quite an underbite. Normally, you can't see it because his tongue is hanging out, but here is a good picture of it. Mommy and Daddy just think it is the cutest thing. I, on the other hand, think he just looks goofy. hehehe
Last night was a very weird night. It started out OK though. I scored one of those square fuzzy things from the closet floor, and I took off running with it. Dad was trying to catch me, but he didn't stand a chance. I have got some pretty good moves, and the old man is well past his prime. After a little while Gidget started chasing me too, so I decided to eat the square fuzzy thing. No way was I sharing it with Gidget!
We had to rush Duke to the emergency vet tonight after he ate a Bounce dryer sheet. He picked it up off of the closet floor and before we could get it from him he ate it. We called his regular vet who told us to give him a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, and if he didn't vomit in 30 minutes, we should take him to the emergency pet hospital. They didn't have the scope that they needed to get it out, so they had to call in a specialist. We left him there and they told us they would call us in a couple hours. We are just worried sick right now. As all of you know by now, Duke and Gidget are a lot more than just dogs to us. All we can do now is just wait and hope for the best. We really miss our little Dukie, and we can't wait to get him back home with us. We love you Duke, and we'll see you in the morning.
So much for our poop shelter. Daddy had put up this umbrella in our backyard so that Duke and I could keep dry while we did our business. If any of you watched Monday Night Football last night, you saw how wet and windy it has been around here lately. Well, after the umbrella was blown around the yard for the third time, Daddy decided to fold it up and put it away. At least it didn't end up in the neighbors yard. Oh well, I guess we will just have to get used to pooping in the rain again. grrrr