Gidget: Hey Duke, did you see the comment that
The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door left?
Duke: Yep Gidget, I sure did.
Gidget: Well I'm starting to think you might be right.
Maybe The Crazy Man did have something to do with
...........The Incident.
Duke: I told you so. But I don't think he could have
been working alone. He is not that smart.
Gidget: You think he had help? From who?
Duke: I'm starting to suspect our Humans are the
brains behind this whole operation.
Gidget: You mean Mom & Dad? Why do you think
they had something to do with it?
Duke: Because something is just not right with them.
They have been acting very strange lately.
Gidget: What do you mean?
Duke: Well do you remember how they used to
leave in the morning, be gone all day, then come
home at night?
Gidget: I sure do. We would jump all over them
when they got home.
Duke: Well have you noticed that they don't leave
in the morning anymore? They are here all day now.
And when they do leave, it's only for a short while.
Gidget: Well I like that they are here more often now.
Duke: I would like it too. If I was sure that they are
really Mom & Dad.
Gidget: You don't think they are really Mom & Dad?
Well who could they be?
Duke: I think they might be..........Aliens!
Gidget: Whoa! Really? You mean like, from Mexico?