Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gidgey Update & Frosty Paws

Hi everydoggy, thanks for all the kind words about my bum knee. I just wanted to give you all a quick update and let you know how I have been doing.

My knee doesn't bother me much during typical day to day activities. I can still jump on and off the couch with no problem, and I can still trot around just fine. It's when I try to run that I have a problem. Duke still tries to get me to chase him, but as soon as I take a couple steps towards him, I remember that it's gonna hurt, so I stop and just stand there. That usually infuriates Duke even more.

We have pretty much decided that I am gonna have the surgery, we're just going to wait a while until Daddy can take some time off from work and stay home with me. I am not really looking forward to it, I hear the recovery can be pretty painful. Hopefully I can score some good drugs to help me get through it. And when I'm all better, I'm gonna give my bully brother the butt kicking of a lifetime.

In other news, tonight Duke and I got to try our very first Frosty Paws, and we loved them! They had yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, and carrots in them. They were sooooo yummy! For some reason, Daddy decided to put my bowl in the grass. This pictures shows how I had to strain my neck to eat my frosty paw without stepping in the grass.

And this picture shows that Duke has absolutely no manners whatsoever. He took his frosty paw out of his bowl and ate it right off the ground.

That Dukie sure is a slob. And those frosty paws sure were good. Hopefully Mommy & Daddy will make us some more real soon. Oh and Duke, I think you have some yogurt on your chin.

Pug Hugs ~ Gidget

Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday Night Videos: The Chase

This video was taken a few months ago, before Gidget's leg
started hurting her. Oh how we miss those days...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

It's All About Us

Lots of our doggie pals have been
doing this questionnaire thing that
The Dogs Of Jackman Avenue
started. Since we have always been
known as trend-followers,
we thought we would join in.

Ladies first...

1. Your age? 5
2. Your age when came to live with your people? 8 weeks.
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? Pink of course.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door.
5. How much do you weigh? 18 lbs.
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? Divas don't chew things up.
7. Do you like other Dogs? I LOVE other doggies.
8. Who is your best non-human friend? My brother Duke.
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Neither. Soft stuffy toys are the only thing I will put in my dainty little mouth. And if they happen to squeak, well, that's a major bonus.
10. Do you like to be brushed? Oh noooo!
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheeeeeese.
12. Do your people cut your toenails? They used to, but they are going to have someone else do it from now on.
13. Any formal education? Nah, I don't needs no edumacashun.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Couch tater.
15. Five nicknames your people call you. Gidgey, The Gidgers, The Snidge, Snidgers, Muffin Top.
16. What is your best trick? I like to trick people into thinking I want them to hold me, then I run away from them. Does that count?
17. Do you like kitties? Never met one.
18. What did you have for breakfast? Purina One Healthy Weight Management, and yogurt. Oh, and I got half a Pupperoni Lean for dessert.
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? Why would I want to kill anything?
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? Two weeks ago, for my dislocated kneecap. :(
21. Where do you sleep at night? On the big bed, with Mommy, Daddy, and Duke. Daddy & Duke snore.
22. Do you like to swim? No way Jose.
23. Can you make puppies? No Way Jose.
24. Your favorite place to visit? Doggy Haven.
25. Do you give kisses? Sure, but I do NOT receive.
26. Can you potty on command? Nope.
27. To Cuz or not to Cuz? Not to cuz. Only cuz I don't know what a cuz is!

And now it's Duke's turn.

1. Your age? 4
2. Your age when came to live with your people? 6 Months.
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? Black of course.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? My cousin Keith.
5. How much do you weigh? 25 lbs.
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? Oh, that's a tough one. I have chewed up 2 coffee tables, the carpet, and several walls. But the only thing that Mom and Dad have had replaced is a remote control that Dad had to pay $125.00 for on Ebay.
7. Do you like other Dogs? I LOVE other doggies.
8. Who is your best non-human friend? My sister Gidget.
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls? Squeaky toys...or tennis balls....or squeaky toys....or tennis balls....oh hell, I don't care, just give me the damn toy, give me the toy!!!
10. Do you like to be brushed? No thank you.
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheese please.
12. Do your people cut your toenails? They used to, but they are going to have someone else do it from now on.
13. Any formal education? I am way too cool for school.
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Energizer Bunny.
15. Five nicknames your people call you. Dukie, Dukie Nukie, Duke Nukem, Goofy Boy, The Tongue.
16. What is your best trick? Riding my Dad like a horse.
17. Do you like kitties? Never tried one, but I hear they taste like chicken.
18. What did you have for breakfast? Purina One Healthy Weight Management, and yogurt. And a Pupperoni Lean for dessert.
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? I hunt my brother Rocky the Bird all the time, but I have not managed to kill him yet.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? A couple months ago, for my checkup.
21. Where do you sleep at night? On the big bed, with Mom, Dad, and Gidget. Dad & Gidget snore.
22. Do you like to swim? Nope.
23. Can you make puppies? Nope.
24. Your favorite place to visit? Doggy Haven.
25. Do you give kisses? Are you kidding me? Have you seen my tongue? I give kisses from across the room!
26. Can you potty on command? Nope.
27. To Cuz or not to Cuz? I have never cuzzed, but I am willing to learn.

So now you all know a little more about us. If anybody else wants to play, just copy and paste into your blog, then let us know you did it so we can read all about you too. Have a great weekend everydoggy!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

RIP Doggy Daily News

Last night was a very sad night here at the Duke & Gidget household. My new favoritest toy, The Doggy Daily News was badly maimed during a play session, and it had to be put down. I am just heartbroken. I know that we were only together for a few days, but those days were filled with joy and happiness. I will never forget the good times we spent together, and I will always keep you in my heart Doggy Daily News. Goodbye my dear friend. Now, where did I leave my Purple Hedgehog.....

Duke Out

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Doggy Daily News

Hi everydoggy, Duke here. I just wanted to tell you all a little more about my new favoritest toy, The Doggy Daily News.

At first, I wasn't very interested in it. But once I started playing with it, I totally loved it! In fact, I haven't put it down since. It looks like a newspaper, and it even sounds like a newspaper, but it's a toy. And it squeaks. Which is really a must have in any toy, if you ask me. And the best part about it is that the middle is hollow. And sometimes when I am playing with it, a treat magically appears inside of it! How cool is that? I just wish it was a little easier to get the treat out of it, but I am starting to figure that out. One time I shook it so hard that the treat came shooting out of it and almost hit Dad right in the head. I guess I had better be a little more careful. Cuz you know what they say, it's only funny until somebody gets hurt. Then, it's hilarious.

Duke Out

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday Night Videos

Today, we would like to introduce a new feature here on "A Tail Of Two Pugs" we like to call "Monday Night Videos". Every Monday we are going to post a video. It might be a new video, or it might be a classic video, but either way, it will definitely be a video. And hopefully, it will also be highly entertaining. Or at least mildly amusing. You be the judge.

This week, for the premiere of Monday Night Videos, we would like to present Duke, playing with his new favoritest toy, The Doggy Daily News. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Party Time!

Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes everydoggy! It sure
feels good knowing I have so many wonderful friends!
We had lots of fun at my party. After we finally got
used to the stupid hats Mom & Dad made us wear.

This is us hating our stupid hats.

And this is us showing Dad what we thought of the stupid hats.
And here's video proof that I hate my hat. And it also shows that
I would really like to have what is on the counter....

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Dad thought he could hide my presents by
putting them on the kitchen table.

Here's a video of me showing him
that I'm no dummy.

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WoooHoooo! I got a cake just for me!!

Then I found out I had to share it with Gidget. She sure is a messy eater!

This video shows the proper way to eat birthday cake. Enjoy!

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I sure wish I could reach that stupid hat with my tongue.
For some weird reason, Gidget got a present on MY birthday. A new bed.

Mom and Dad figure that Gidget might need it if she has to have surgery.
This is her "thank you" look.

And this is me showing Mom & Dad what I think of
Gidget getting a present on MY birthday!
Well, I guess now that I'm four, I'm going to have to start acting a little differently. I'm not a teenager anymore you know. I'm mature. And I should start treating Gidget with a little more respect and dignity. I should also stop chewing on every new piece of furniture Mom & Dad bring into my house. And perhaps I might want to stop peeing on everything, including Gidget. Yep, it sure would be great if I could do all of those things. And there's a real good chance that I will. But then again, there's also a real good chance that Monkeys will fly out of my butt.

Duke out

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Duke

Happy Birthday Duke, and thanks for being such a great brother!
Love, Gidget

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Not The News We Were Hoping For

Hi Everydoggy. Duke here. Gidget asked me to give you all an update on her luxating patella. She is a little bummed out right now and doesn't really feel like talking. She had her leg re-checked yesterday, and unfortunately, it hasn't gotten any better. She thought it had, but that is probably because she hasn't been running around at all. Apparently her patella is still "popping out all over the place" to quote Dr. Bruhn. He recommended that she have surgery to repair it. Mom & Dad plan on getting a second opinion, and exploring all the options before they make a decision though. The recovery sounds pretty painful, and they want to make sure surgery is absolutely necessary before they put Gidget through that. As for me, well, I guess I'm gonna have to get used to chasing myself around for a while longer.

Gidget also wanted to thank Pug Mommy and Raoul's Mom for all the info and advice they have given us. We really appreciate all their help. Oh and she also wants to thank Norman for calling her a sexy lady. I had never seen a pug blush before until Gidget read that comment.

Duke Out

Monday, June 11, 2007

Check Me Out!

Yep, that's me looking all slim and trim. Dr. Bruhn suggested that if I drop a few pounds, it just might help my leg problem. So I've been dieting, and I must say, I am looking pretty hot! Duke just might have to stop calling me "Sausage Body". And "the Michelin Pug". That Duke can be so insensitive sometimes. Oh and the other thing you can tell from this picture is that Daddy really needs to stain the deck!

Speaking of Dr. Bruhn, I go back tomorrow to get my leg re-checked. It has been feeling pretty good lately, so I'm hoping he'll tell me I don't need to have surgery, and I can get back to doing what I do best. Kicking Duke's butt.

Pug Hugs ~ Gidget

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Suki tagged everydoggy to post their baby pictures. Since we have had two hard drives crash in the last year, we don't have as many baby pictures as we used to. But here's a few that we do have.

Wow, I sure was little.

Just look at that face...

That burger was bigger than my head.

Awww, my old froggie. It mysteriously disappeared after Duke moved in.

Duke moved in when he was 6 months old. This is him trying on some of Mommy's undergarments.

This is Doofus, uhm, I mean Dukie's first Christmas with us.

He might have looked sweet, but looks can be decieving...

So thats our little trip down memory lane. Thanks Suki, that was fun. We can't wait to see everydoggy else's baby pictures!

Pug Hugs ~ Gidget

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Duke: The Story Behind The Story

Hi everydoggie! A few of you left comments on our last post regarding my life before I came to live with Mom & Dad, and Pug Mommy was curious about how I came to live with them. Well, it might not be the most interesting story in the world, but here it is. And no Norman, I was not a "Junkyard Dog". But I wish I was, that sounds kinda cool.

When I was really little, I lived with another human family. The little humans in that family loved me, and I loved them too. But unfortunately, they already had two other dogs, and those dogs did not love me. Especially a mean old Beagle, who used to pick on me and beat me up all the time. It's kind of embarrassing to admit now, but it's true. I'm quite sure that if I was to run into that mean old Beagle now, I would rip him a new one. But back then, I was just a little guy.

So anyway, the big human decided that I would come and stay at his work, which just happened to be a used car lot. And as if being around a bunch of used car salesmen wasn't bad enough, the lot was right on Highway 99, which is a busy four lane highway. Twice I was able to escape from the lot, and run around on the highway. Chasing those cars around was great fun, but in retrospect, probably not a very wise choice. Amazingly, I was uninjured.

Around this time, Mom and Dad decided that they wanted another pug to keep Gidget company when they were away at work. They heard about me, and Mom hurried over to meet me. Well, it was love at first sight, and after paying the big human a sizeable transfer fee (I believe it was somewhere around 4 or 5 million dollars), the rest, as they say, is history. So like I said, it's not the most interesting tale, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. If anybody is interested in purchasing the movie rights to my story, please feel free to email my Mom & Dad.

Duke Out

Monday, June 04, 2007

Tagged Again! 7 Pawsome Facts

Our buddy Ronin tagged us to list seven pawsome facts about us. We are pretty sure that we are the last doggies left to list our seven pawsome facts, but hey, we always try to be fashionably late. So without further ado, here are our seven pawsome facts, in no particular order.


1. I absolutely hate riding in the backseat of the car. I will whine and cry the whole way until somebody lets me up front.
2. Nobody is ever allowed to kiss my face. I will give kisses, but under no circumstances do I receive kisses.
3. I have had my picture on the TV twice. Both times I was featured on the KCPQ Morning News petwalk forecast.
4. I had a cancerous bump removed from my shoulder about 15 months ago. I have been cancer-free since then.
5. I hate when we have guests over, and then they leave. I will bark and jump all over them to try and get them to stay. Especially The Crazy Man Who Lives Next Door.
6. My name used to be Miss Beasley. The breeder that my Mommy & Daddy got me from was originally planning on keeping me, and she gave me that name. I think I prefer Gidget.
7. I love to tease humans. When they are sitting down, I will put my front paws on them like I want up. Then, when they reach down to pick me up, I jump back so that I am just out of reach. Then when they sit back in their chair, I do the whole thing over again.

And now Duke

1. I love to eat grass. Yum.
2. I like to pee on weeds that are growing in our yard. Especially dandelions.
3. I often fall asleep with a toy in my mouth.
4. I have a brother named Rocky. He is a bird. I would really like to eat Rocky.
5. I am a total daddy's boy. Wherever my Daddy goes, I gotta be right on his heels at all times.
6. I used to live on a Used Car Lot, right next to a busy four-lane highway. I prefer it here.
7. My Mom says I am the happiest doggy she has ever seen.

OK, so that's our seven pawsome facts. Thanks for tagging us Ronin, that was fun. Since we have no idea if anybody hasn't played yet, we choose to tag every dog in the whole world. You're it.

~Pug Hugs~
Duke & Gidget

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Three Pugz and More

Some of you may remember Pugsley, Buster, and Chloe the Princess Pug from the blog "Three Pug Mugs". Well, last summer their blog was hijacked. And then, tragically, on August 17th, Chloe the Princess Pug passed over to the rainbow bridge. If you don't know Chloe's story, you should head over to her Dogster page and check it out. She was an inspiration to us, and we still think of her often.

Well today, we are so happy to have learned that Pugsley, Buster, Chloe, and their new sister Cricket have a new blog. It is called Three Pugz & More, and we hope everyone will head on over and welcome them back to the blogging world. We sure have missed you guys, and we're so glad you're back!

Pug Hugs ~ Duke & Gidget

Happy Blogiversary To Us

We don't usually like to toot our own horn (yeah, right), but today just happens to mark the one year anniversary of "A Tail Of Two Pugs". When we started this little blog, we weren't sure if we would make it a month, let alone a whole year. But amazingly, one year and nearly 16,000 hits later, we're still going strong. OK, maybe not strong, but at least semi-consistent. We have to admit, it has been a struggle sometimes finding the time to blog in between our frequent naps. But it has definitely been worth every minute of it. And the best part of it all would have to be all the amazing, wonderful doggie friends that we have made. You guys are the greatest, and we would like to give each and every one of you a big giant sloppy kiss. Thanks for being our pals, and we look forward to many more years of "A Tail Of Two Pugs"

~Pug Hugs~ Duke & Gidget