Gidgey Update & Frosty Paws
Hi everydoggy, thanks for all the kind words about my bum knee. I just wanted to give you all a quick update and let you know how I have been doing.
My knee doesn't bother me much during typical day to day activities. I can still jump on and off the couch with no problem, and I can still trot around just fine. It's when I try to run that I have a problem. Duke still tries to get me to chase him, but as soon as I take a couple steps towards him, I remember that it's gonna hurt, so I stop and just stand there. That usually infuriates Duke even more.
We have pretty much decided that I am gonna have the surgery, we're just going to wait a while until Daddy can take some time off from work and stay home with me. I am not really looking forward to it, I hear the recovery can be pretty painful. Hopefully I can score some good drugs to help me get through it. And when I'm all better, I'm gonna give my bully brother the butt kicking of a lifetime.
In other news, tonight Duke and I got to try our very first Frosty Paws, and we loved them! They had yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, and carrots in them. They were sooooo yummy! For some reason, Daddy decided to put my bowl in the grass. This pictures shows how I had to strain my neck to eat my frosty paw without stepping in the grass.
And this picture shows that Duke has absolutely no manners whatsoever. He took his frosty paw out of his bowl and ate it right off the ground.
That Dukie sure is a slob. And those frosty paws sure were good. Hopefully Mommy & Daddy will make us some more real soon. Oh and Duke, I think you have some yogurt on your chin.